Thursday, July 9, 2009

To Bunt or Not to Bunt

Shakespeare had it all wrong...To bunt or not to bunt, THAT is the question. Some kickballers will argue that bunting is unsporting, to put it mildly. While others will be quick to point out that bunting is a key strategy and ridiculously effective. Obviously bunting favors only the speedy players, leaving slower players to do what the Kickball Gods intended; which is kick the red rubber off every ball. Some players would go as far as to say that bunting is for "weenies". Others feel that not bunting is an "unspoken rule" that everyone should abide by. Maybe...maybe not. However lucky for us we write our rules on paper and not in stone. To bunt or not to bunt....the answer? You tell me.


Unknown said...

Down with the weenie kicks!

Unknown said...

Down with the weenie kicks!

Unknown said...

hey, bunting is part of the sport. an active catcher and pitcher are good actedotes to such a strategy. cant defend yourself against the bunt? sounds like a defensive problem to me!

Unknown said...

From the older gods, BKKB (Brooklyn Represent!): "No (fucking) bunting. That counts as a strike, and the play is dead. The kicker's intent does not matter; neither do the mechanics of the kicker. Being able to chip it forcefully is just fine. What matters is the force (f=m*a) of the ball after it's been kicked. You may consider whether or not the fielding team can get the lead runner, or if the kicker can out-run the ball, but in the end, the force of the ball is paramount in a bunt call."

Anonymous said...

Did someone call kickball a "sport"?