Monday, July 29, 2013

Lone Star Kickball Breakdown - Fall '13

It was only a matter of time before the growing popularity of competitive kickball spawned a new local league. Lone Star Kickball is the new kid on the block and will be looking to make its mark on the local El Paso sports scene. LS Kickball is a Thursday night kickball grass league, featuring national Kickball 365 tourney rules. After the lack luster El Paso Kickball, continuously failing competitive players, LSK will be looking to become the premiere grass kickball league in El Paso.

 Although LSK's inaugural season only features 7 teams, the league size is considered on-par for any new sports league. However for being such a small league, the talent pool is huge. The best and brightest local kickballers all signed up to try their hand Thursday nights. Let's take a look at the inaugural team's for the LSK Fall '13 season.

After looking at the team list, three team names immediately jump out as unrecognizable. 915 Changos, Da Krew, and Where's My Pitches At.

The only intel I could gather up on the 915 Changos is they are a Three Legged Monkey team, the league's sponsor. I'm not sure if that means the team is made up of staff, patrons, or actual 3 legged monkeys, but nevertheless my gut tells me this may be one of those inexperienced teams that is putting in their first attempt at kickball. Unfortunately for these rookies they are in a fairly fierce group of experienced kickball teams so they will have to learn the game fast or they are doomed to be the league's punching bag.

Da Krew
The other team that is unfamiliar is Da Krew kickball squad. I had a chance to see them briefly play this past Thursday night. The team contains a group of young and seemingly athletic players.  However the lack of experience is more than evident. To steal a classic line from the movie Days of Thunder, they "looked liked a monkey fuckin' a football out there". Their roster doesn't contain any recognizable names, although my understanding is some of the roster has some kickball experience. On a bright note, they had an awesome female in right field, didn't catch her name. Anxious to see if their first game was just Opening Day jitters. Maybe they can cut down the kickball curve quickly.

The last team mystery team is Where's My Pitches At!. I do know that they are a disgruntled Epk team that was looking for a better home and may have found it at LSK. Other than that, info on this team is also sparse. I believe they were a playoff team within Epk, semi-final team, but don't take that to the bank, need to do some more research. We will see what they have within the coming weeks.

The next group of teams are all filled with seasoned kickball veterans. Starting off with the Billy Bad Asses, aka the Shocker Killers. The Bad Asses were Sun City Kickball regulars, although they no longer exist, a portion of their players reside with current SCK team Pitch, Please. The Billy Bad Asses do not have a marque roster, but they have always been known for tenacious play. Not sure how much experience they have playing on grass, as they earned their stripes playing on a traditional dirt diamond, but they should be ok regardless. Worst case they have the 3 inexperienced teams to beat up on, but don't count them out on the more competitive side. Back in the day when the Shockers were the KNS of now, they had a knack for taking down giants.

Moving onto the most recent championship team, the Animals. These Animals currently hold the title as the Sprummer '13 Epk champions,  a major note worthy victory. The title was earned on grass which is why they have thrown their hat into the ring with LSK. A solid roster and they have a pitcher/catcher combo that is a force to be reckoned with. Although they don't have the big names like a couple of the other teams, they have the power and skill in all the right places.

The last two teams have undoubtedly the biggest names and most experience. First up we have Screamin' Kixxx, which is basically Kickin' N' Screamin' sprinkled with a handful of Kixxx players. They are an extremely seasoned traveling team and have proven themselves on the grass. Again, they are the team to beat. Every time they travel out of town they get closer and closer at winning an Kickball 365 title. This extra practice should come in handy come tourney time.

The next big team is hybrid Smokin' Aces. They are a combo Thunder Catz, Drunken Monkeyz, and last but not least the Shockers, aka Sit on my Base. Three veteran SCK teams have combined to make the assumed monster that is Smokin' Aces. However Im not convinced they will be as dangerous as Kickball Nation is predicting them to be. It takes more than grouping a bunch of all-stars to make a good solid team

Well that in a quick nutshell are the inagural Lone Star Kickball teams, but the conversation doesn't stop here. Tune into the new IJK Ustream show to get an in-depth look at each team and their rosters.

Until next time Happy Kicking and remember It's Just Kickball.


Anonymous said...

Great first week, LSK! Looking forward to the coming Thursdays :D