Monday, June 24, 2013

The Kickball Nazi Strikes Again

Most of the old time kickballers know the origin of kickball in El Paso. They know of the little league, known as El Paso Kickball, that started from a small group of friends and turned into an organized league. Those kickballers who played in that very first organized kickball season knew something special had started; however little did we know all the drama that would be involved.

Now there is only one thing worse than drama, that's kickball drama. And there is only one thing more entertaining than drama, that's also kickball drama. Well the early days of kickball were full of drama and in the present in continues to an alarming degree.

It takes a certain person to want to play adult kickball. For starters, you cant take be someone who takes themselves too serious, UNLESS you're the person running an adult kickball league, then taking yourself too serious is a pretty much a pre-requisite. A game designed for kids and run by adults can be a very dangerous thing, as has been proven time and time again on the grassy fields of El Paso Kickball.

Now as silly as it sounds, adult co-ed kickball is an awesome concept. Like I mentioned before, it takes a certain fun loving yet competitive person to play kickball. So when you bring that many like-minded adults together, it makes for an interesting dynamic with the potential to establish life long friendships. However like with all things, when you do something it must be done right. Especially when running any form of organized sport.

With no fault to the players of El Paso Kickball, unfortunately for them their leadership leaves much to be desired. Epk has been plagued with ridiculousness that has become almost legendary. All at the hands of their distinguished founder and commissioner, who has been affectionately dubbed the Kickball Nazi. To recount the numerous tales of hardships would take a novel. The tales of kickball woe and injustice are something of myth and legend now. With kickballers being banned from participation in the league for doing or saying the wrong things. To mid game rule changes to benefit the league founder's own team and changing umpire rulings in the middle of games. Its endless.

Til now its all been hear say and borderline rumors passed from kickballer to kickballer. However thanks to a true champion of kickball, Its Just Kickball has been provided an inside look on how Epk leadership deals with dedicated league players and tenured teams.

Kickin' N' Screamin is undoubtedly considered the gold standard when it comes to kickball in El Paso. They are the mark at which others teams measure their success. Unfortunately because of their success they are somewhat of a pariah and targeted by leadership. During their Sprummer? 2013 playoff season  at El Paso Kickball they were disqualified. Why you ask? Well apparently their was an oversight on the KNS team roster that was somehow overlooked for almost 9 weeks and only until they had advanced to the semi-finals was it "caught". However KNS did in fact follow the roster rules explained during the Sprummer Captains' meeting at the beginning of the season. Unfortunately and conveniently Epk league leadership does not recall the specific roster rule changes that they implemented for this season. Interestingly though, that's not to say the ever-compromising and merciful Kickball Nazi wasn't willing to work on a compromise for KNS. What kind of compromise, well let me show you...

Needless to say Kickin' N' Screamin' will not be coming back... It's unfortunate that players are treated in such an unfair fashion.

El Paso Kickball leadership claims to promote a fun atmosphere, but its riddled with favoritism but only for the few who tow the Epk line. Although their Theme Nights are a big hit with many kickballers, it only masks the dirty scent of what Epk really is...the Kickball Nazi's personal toy to play with as he see fit.

We're Back !

Hopefully some, if not all, of Kickball Nation noticed that It's Just Kickball took a brief hiatus these past few kickball months. Unfortunately life often gets in the way of hobbies and keeping up with the blog was nearly impossible. However after some life adjustments and bringing on two new kickball writers, IJK should be back in full force covering not only Sun City Kickball but all the kickball news related items in El Paso and the surrounding area. So be sure to come back regularly for all kickball league and tourney info. Now that being said, not covering the SCK Spring 2013 season was a huge mistake as it was Sun City Kickball's most exciting season yet.

So unless you been living under a rock, any respectable kickballer has heard that the young guns of Kixxx were crowned the New Kings of Kickball. After numerous tries and tussles with their long time rivals Kickin' N' Screamin', Kixxx was finally able to beat the 5-time defending champs.

Impressive to say the least, considering that Kickin' N Screamin' was having a historical season, stats wise, as they did not let a single run score on them all of the regular season. That of course has never been done before in SCK league history. Although even more impressive is that Kixxx wasn't exactly having a stellar Spring Season. In truth, they looked very mediocre all season long. However come playoff time, they were able to dial up some kickball magic or some folks chalk all that up to strategy.

Many teams live and die by the bunt. It is essentially the foundation to any good kickball squad, many coaches swear by it. If executed well it can be extremely successful, unless you run into a team that can consistently neutralize the bunt, which is rare. However KNS carries an A+ report card when it comes to defending the short game. So in a stroke of strategic genius or more like an epiphany of common sense, Kixxx decide to go long ball on a team that's outfield has never been tested.

Needless to say, it worked. Kixxx was able to hit the gaps and with some dropped balls, made KNS pay dearly with the long ball. Now don't misunderstand, it was a very close and exciting semi-final match-up. Arguably one of the best match-ups I've ever seen, but watching the game you could just tell that Kixxx wanted it more. They were going to walk off that field with a win no matter what and they did.

But wait, this was a semi final match-up?! Who was in the Champion Ship game? Would you believe I'd Hit It?

As unlikely as it seems, Id Hit It is becoming a post-season main stay. They're playing stronger competitive kickball season after season and keeping up with far more talented rosters. Which says tons and tons about this scrappy squad. Its no secret that they live and die by the arm of their pitcher, unfortunately being so one-dimensional is a huge handicap. Ultimately what has to happen is the pitcher needs to do a little bit less and the team needs to do a little bit more. Carrying a team alone is tiresome and does not make for good teamwork.

The championship bout was in all honestly a tad bit lopsided. On one side you had I'd Hit It playing in only their 2nd championship appearance ever, they were unsure and timid. On the other side you had an extremely hungry team in Kixxx, who had just defeated the one team they could never get passed and were looking to destroy anything in there way. And they did just that.

Again congratulations to Kixxx the new Kings of Kickball