Thursday, March 4, 2010

Still On Top

Written by: Rich "Compromise" Alvarez

The Shockers must be watching the Matrix movies before every game, because they have been able to dodge multiple bullets for the past couple of weeks. Just about every kickball team in El Paso is aiming to knock off Public Enemy #1, yet no one has been able to bring them down. This Wed. Scared Hitless took up the task of trying to take down the mighty, mighty Shockers but unfortunately they fell short of their goal.

Modesty is not one the Shocker's strong suits. This week they unveiled a new monument to their greatness, some sort of banner they probably picked up at the swap. Nevertheless, there it was in all its glory, hanging proudly along the Shocker's dugout. Next thing you know they are going to ask to erect some sort of statue or marble cathedral in their honor. However its hard to argue with results. They know they have a bulls-eye on their back and they are still able to pick up wins, week after week.

This week Scared Hitless was looking to knock the Shockers of their self-pronounced royal thrown and bring them back down to earth. In the beginning of the match-up, it looked like they had a good chance of doing so as they matched the Shockers blow for blow during the 1st inning, which was marked as a 1-1 tie score. It was a ridiculously close game the whole way, until the Shockers inched ahead in the 4th inning by bringing in a single run, which ended up being the go ahead run and secured the game, 2-1. It was a close game but you know what they say, "it doesn't matter if you win by an inch or a mile."

However the Shockers better not get too comfortable. They barely escaped Scared Hitless with a 1 run advantage. Not to mention, 1 More Shot also gave them a run for their money with a game that ended 5-3. The Shockers next opponent will be Wheres My Pitches At? who are a tough team and are no push-overs. I happened to see Where My Pitches Coach Vince scouting out the troublesome Shockers. He spent alot of time on his cell phone while he juggled around a camcorder. Very interesting.....

Until then.


Shocker GM said...

Good Job Shockers!!! Way to hang in there...Like the late great 2pac would say "Revenge is like the sweetest joy, next to getting p*ssy"....

ben said...

Why is a Pirate picture here...that's Cimi!

Big James said...

Thanks to all the haters out there my blog was yanked! Its one thing to hate on me, but its other when people start taking shots at my team. They have nothing to do with Angry Umpires Corner. Its all me and the reason I dont mention the Shockers is because we let the score board do our talking. We MIGHT lose some day, but till then you can hate us all you want.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

its not that people are "haters"
people just think that your comments are pretty stupid! so call it what you want... also you say that people are haters on your team, but your the one thats antagonizing everyone else with your comments that they don't deserve to be playing....we're not the haters

you sir are the one that is hating on everyone else for having fun....

sorry i gotta go. i actually have a life doesn't revolve around whether or not i win in kickball....Peace!

Big James said...

Anonymous comments are weak. Atleast have some courage and put your name on what you think. :)

Rich said...

Sorry Ben, I thought it was a cool pic. I don't know how to put captions yet.

freddy said...

hey rich i havent seen you comment on anything that has been said these past two days......what are you two cents!!!!!!

Shocker GM said...

He hasnt had a chance to comment since you've been hogging up all the blog space with your anonymous comments...

freddyt said...

lol dats funny you think its me believe me i have no problem telling peeps its me. to bad it wasnt. trust me i really dnt care if i get people upset and i wouldnt mind talking my mind.....and to let you know GM i was just as upset as james when i saw my coach eating at 1st base.....

Shocker GM said...

Well who ever it was posting anonymous, man up to you comments. Don't be afraid, after all "We're here to have FUN"!! Remember....

Anonymous said...

It's all fun until u lose huh James n GM? You'll know the feeling after where's my pitches at beats u.. And yes no name! This is haterville!!!

Big James said...

We might lose some day, but until then all we have to say is SCORE frekin' BOARD!! Enough said.

Anonymous said...

Might? No u will the era of shockers balls n dolls and I'd hit it is over buddy.. No comp before.. Just like u lost in that tourney where u couldn't make final four.. It's gonna be the same story this season in playoffs.. Keep talking but only thing that matters is playoffs.. And rich I disagree with balls n dolls players reffing shocker games and vice versa... Conflict of interest written all over that.. As a balls n doll knowing that i have never beat the shockers, why would I want them to lose to a new team? I wouldn't so I call all the close ties safe to the shockers and all the close ties out to the rookie team.. Keep it fair.. U shouldve have an LTA player reffing as well if that's the case.. Haterville!! Shockers kiss the glory days goodbye!! Mark my words league the new era is here!!!

Shocker GM said...

Haha...the era of the Shockers, B&D's, and I'd Hit It is over???? WTF..What games have you been watching?!?! Obviously not are games....oh you just don't know, are era has just begun baby!!!! Correct me if Im wrong but all three of us are still undefeated...and mark my words "We will stay undefeated the rest of the season" quit crying about refs and stop bringing up our past defeats because we dont care...if I was you I'd start practicing my kicking and catching so maybe you can give us some comp...I don't know who you are because you don't have balls to post you name but let me say this...If we already beat you Im sorry for hurting your feelings, if we haven't played you yet then I suggest you go out and purchase a pair of extra thick butt pads because your in for an ASS-WHOOPIN!!! It's people like you that keep us focused and our eyes on the prize...with out you we wouldn't be where we are I wanna say Thank You.

Anonymous said...

Correct you if you're wrong? Well let's start by saying WTF is are? I can see the only part in life you're successful is kickball because are? Hahahahaha do you mean our? Lmao dude you got me laughing for sure.. One guess for sure is that you don't teach English haha.. And yes you're undefeated but like I said regular season don't mean a damn thing and don't give yourself too much credit we've already established I'd hit it and balls n dolls don't have anyone in their divisions except maybe kick n the balls which are starting to sound cocky like the shockers so we'll call them mini shockers haha.. At th end of the season you'll see that it is the end of your era and the beginning of OURS haha peace! Haterville!!

Shocker GM said...

Wow...Thats it?!?!..Hahaha...Thats the best you could come up with...a spelling error was the only thing you could think of...must be hard when your a nobody huh....LMFAO...You got me laughing my ass off dude.....I LOVE HATERS!!!

Anonymous said...

You're laughing? Haha once again kickball must be the only thing you're good at haha u better hope there's a professional kickball league somewhere because that's the only way I see you making money other than whataburger haha... Spelling error? No sir you made a grammar error spelling would be something like ovious instead of obvious, you my friend just don't know how to use proper terms haha.. And if this is the shocker GM i can just imagine how dumb the rest of your team is LMFAO!!! Now that's funny!!!! Haterville!!!

Anonymous said...

Online shit talking is for pussies. This anonymous person should state who they are and stop causing such contravesy. It used to be cool getting online and reading the blogs. Now this moron is hogging up all the blogspace and really, just making this a hostile blog. I say GROW THE F*@# UP. If you have a problem with someone... do something about it. I don't mean fighting either.... go to the board and try to get you're issues resolved. All this name calling and putdowns anonymously just makes you look like the IDIOT you are calling everyone else. I know you play for One More Shot. I know who you are.

Big James said...

Wow! You know you're the Big Dog in town when every one is gunning for you. Can't wait for the playoffs!!!!!!

freddy said...

anonymous talks shit bout not stating who dis person is but neither did he or just thought i would point that out....

Anonymous said...

Controversy? Me? How dare u! Haha another as u call idiot on the board.. Way to call that out Freddy.. You just as much of a pussy as me I guess huh haha... Look here dude don't come on the blog contradicting yourself when in all reality the shockers started this CONTROVERSY calling out teams like LTA so they started it and now they're getting picked on and you're offended? Check yourself buddy and I do post who I am :) haterville!!!!

haterville hater :) said...

Hey Haterville, Yo Mama!!! Hahahahaha........

haterville hater said...

Hey haterville, Yo Mama!!! Hahahahahaha....

chuckdeezy said...

blah, fuckin' blah!
play some damn kickball!

chuckdeezy said...

blah, fuckin' blah!
play some damn kickball!

Becks said...

I think that this Anonymous Haterville is too dumb to figure out how too make an Identity...hahaha Maybe someone should show her.

haterville hater said...

I think your right Becks....

Anonymous said...

Tsk tsk if you're gonna make fun of me being an idiot or too dumb please use correct grammar and spelling people haha poor becks, do you play for the shockers? Haha... And I like this haterville hater. Love that yo momma joke. Way to have a sense of humor and make time to make an identity just for me ;) Haterville!!!!

Panterita said...

People: get a life. Bola de vecinas chismosas. Go back to work!

haterville hater said...

Ummmm.....first of all Becks ain't a shocker, she's actually some sort of alcoholic primate :) (hint,hint) and Mr or Mrs haterville, this is a fun blog, not the SAT... Soooo i kan spal houw eva i wunt, and uses what'evers Gramar I dEsIrEd and still look good..Otay...haha...I told I look good huh....bye bye now!! Oh yeah and one more thing..Yo Mama!!! haterville hater :)

Jessica said...

I feel sorry for whomever thinks that it's someone from 1 More Shot!, Our team has more dignity and consideration for others than to be posting crap on these blogs about people we don't even know. It just kickball, relax. Jessica FROM 1 More Shot!

Anonymous said...

I would like to correct the person who thinks that it was a member of 1 More Shot!, that is hating. We have all respect and consideration for the other teams. We would never stoop to degrading the diginty of others. Jessica from 1 More Shot!

EPH3 said...

Hey! This is T-Rott from know the one wearing the short Kilt (not skirt). We are the top losing team! And while this may not be our place to comment I'd like to shed light on your constant use of the word "pussy" as a reference to "weakness." The pussy is a noble organ responsible for both pleasure and pain. Remember Troy? You guys try pushing a "kickball" out of it. A'right? Ok. Continue with your blogging! On On. BTW...we love the Shockers!!