Thursday, March 31, 2011

Things I Think I Saw....

Written by: James "The Angry Umpire"

Shocker Nation: Is something wrong with Shockers?? For a while there I was buying into this team finally having what it takes to not only take down their arch rivals but to also get back to the top of the kickball heap. They kill their pathetic looking twins, The Taps, but look average against tougher competition. Can any one say OVERATED?? I can…

Drunken Monkeyz vs. The Taps: For a team that has the makings to be the next King of Kickball, they sure accomplished a pathetic feat on Wednesday. Sure they murdered the hapless and defenseless Taps, but thanks to their goofy 1st base women they let them score a run. Embarrassing comes to mind; the only team more pathetic than the taps is Los Fah Qs, which the Taps beat by the way, so giving up a run to them is like the Balls & Dolls actually coming thru on the clutch. It just doesn’t happen…

The 3 Second Ump: I thought Rick “I like to steal other pitchers pitches” had a short fuse, but this new umpire makes him look like a catholic schoolgirl.  While he was presiding over the Balls & Dolls vs. The Red Hot Cherry Poppers, he made sure to take lip from no one. The one poor soul that decided to test this rookie ump was shown the door immediately.  All you winers and complainers be warned, there’s a new Angry Ump in town.

Balls to the Wall: I thought Confused Kixx broke up…from what I saw the old 3 second fuse has assemble another juggernaut. Their dudes are super athletic and their girls make Dora and Nadia look like old hags. His team is super sick and I wouldn’t be surprised if Rick makes it back to back to back…last season, the remix and this seasons champ.

The Sloth: Can some please tell me WTF is wrong with that idiot better known as Aldo??? This stupid mofo mistakes his loud obnoxious comments for playful jabs. I once witnessed this poor excuse for a kickball enthusiast eat a cheeseburger while he played 1st. Who does that? Marcos should have done us all a favor and put Slothzilla out of his misery. I also have to question what kind of person would even consider being on his team. Who in their right minds would follow such a waste of space onto the kickball battlefield? Slothzilla would better be served stepping in front of a train and putting him self out of his own misery.

Strike 3 Im Out

Δ x non-competitiveness

Written by: Newton's Flaw

It has appeared that the current state of the game has caused some folks to lean towards a restructuring of the league format. Specifically, a change to split between competitive and non-competitive teams is being pondered. The concern appears to lie in the disparity between opponents as it is translated in the scoreboard and play. However, I am inclined to see this disparity in a more positive light and see no need to rush the league into this drastic change.

It is determined that the teams losing by large margins are simply not competitive. Truth, all is relative. In a pool of 28 teams it is bound that the rate of competitiveness, talent, and enjoyment will vary. I do believe that there are three degrees to any league regardless of size. In each current division these grades are apparent as well. There are two teams that unfortunately might never taste the sweet taste of victory this season. But do these teams bottom dwelling status truly anchor the rest of the bottom grade of the league to the extent of creating a back arc rift between the mid majors and the long shots? I do not agree.  Furthermore, only two teams (or one) appear to truly showcase a talent that is worthy of being legitimate front runners going into the post-season, though everyone’s toughest games remain ahead of them. What does this mean? Perhaps that the boundary between the three different degrees is a not as well defined as some would like to think…

The validation for the current function of the league will more than likely come after the King of Kickball is crowned, but for now let’s romanticize the change of the game as it approaches a non-competitive division. In a non-competitive division the main goal would be fun and all other statistical variables that encourage competitiveness should not be valued. Records and scores would not exist. Due to the lack of meaning of a statistical value, the tension of the game will also go away. The heightened level of relaxation will be further endorsed by the removal of paid umpires. The captain (or team representative) from each participating team would umpire their respective matches. Lastly, the playoff system would also not exist since the true champion is fun. These would be some minor differences in the equation that would be needed in a non-competitive division.

Fact is, without these tweaks, competition is inevitable. There will be good teams, and there will not so good teams as well. Also, I do not see too many players or teams wishing to return to a non-competitive division. A ‘Toilet Bowl’ already exists; it is called the Play-In Tournament. The top two teams are rewarded a chance to participate in the league post-season. The majority of the teams which were part of last season’s Play-In Tournament have returned. All of them are reinforced and with a better perspective on what it takes to play and succeed in SCK. This improvement is interpreted as a complete merit for the not-so-good teams to be amongst everyone else. The league’s Gaussian distribution is not as robust as people claim it to be, and that is a good thing. The best thing for all teams to continue to do is define and improve themselves from the current defined limits, from Los Fah Qs to Balls to the Wall.  

Defense Exhibit A

Another kickball week in the books and with it comes another quite night of bloodbaths. Which again brings me to the conclusion that there needs to be serious consideration to organize the league into skill sets. Or better yet at the very least, give each team the option to pick their poison. To choose a more competitive style of play or a more kick back version of kickball; something reminiscent of the old school days. However unfortunately this week, as fate would have it, the mis matches were abundant. These are the results of the unavoidable mismatches.

Mismatched opponents:
Drunken Monkeyz - 17                                     Thundercats - 9
TAPS                   -   1                                      Pitch Please - 0

Balls & Dolls - 12                                             Balls to the Wall - 14
Red Hot Cherry Poppers - 0                             Brown Chicken Brown Cow - 0

Mataconchas - 9                                             New Kicks on the Block - 6
99 Problems -  0                                             Royal Tenenballs   - 0

Chupacabrones - 13
Hash House Harriers - 0

On Wednesday night, 9 of the 12 match ups were SHUT OUTS!  It would have been 10 SHUT OUTS, but the Drunken Monkeyz let 1 run squeak by in their 17-1 rout of the rookie team TAPS. No matter how you see it, no one likes to lose. Especially not when you get shut out, even if you are a "friendly". All the shut out teams would have been better served if they played each other instead of getting hammered.

For example, evenly matched No More Heroes and The Runs produced a very good close game with a final score of 7-5, the Runs earning the win. Not only was it an awesome game, but it literally came down to the wire. No More Heroes trailed by 2 going into the bottom of the 5th, with 2 outs down they had runners on 2nd and 3rd with the go ahead run going up to kick. And even before then. the score should have at least ended 6-7 as No More Heroes squandered a sac-fly when they only had 1 out. Either way it was an awesome game.

I feel the league could really benefit from an Old School Division. Obviously the ravenous veterans want to keep the "friendlies" around simply for cannon fodder, but as long as the hardcore kiddos have each other to beat up one why would they want to stop other teams from finding a different style of kickball to enjoy. There is no reason. One of the reasons I always here is, "Well how are the rookie teams and weak teams ever going to learn to compete if they don't play against harder teams?" Stop and ask yourself, what if they don't want to compete against veteran teams? It is assumed they do, but that might not be the case.


Monday, March 28, 2011

I'd Hit It? Right in the Face!

Written by: James "The Angry Umpire"

What in the world is wrong with that moron also known as Mr. Kickball? I know its still early on in the season, but does ItsJustKickball really believe Id Hit It is the team to beat or is he just blowing smoke up my ass as usual? On more than one occasion “The Meter Man” has expressed to me that he thinks everyone’s favorite fools have what it takes to take this seasons crown? WHAT?? I know he likes to just throw out random gibberish to see what sticks, but I have to admit that that caught me a little by surprise. The Ex-Commish must be smoking some good shit if he honestly thinks these chumps can contend with some of the heavy hitters that Sun City Kickball has to offer. Seriously, how can a team that has beat teams with a combined record of 2 wins, 1 tie and a whopping 6 losses be taken seriously? These pathetic excuse for kickball teams have already given up an astonishing 62 runs combined; in only 3 weeks of competition. And I’m supposed to jump on the bandwagon, hell no!! Like I said, there’s still plenty of season to be played so things might change, so ill hold my judgment till then. In the meantime Mr. I Don’t Want to Play No More Because I Want to Get Paid to Umpire better get his freakin’ head examined. Id Hit It has never been even close to reaching the ultimate glory in SCK and with Lucas as there General they never will!

Strike 3 Im Out

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Lopsided League?

Rarely do I ever seriously consider the things my counter-part, Mr. Angry Umpire, has to say. Occasionally his sense-less ramblings make me chuckle out loud strictly, because they are entertaining. However the Angry Umpire's last posting really got me thinking. Basically the question he posed was; with a 28 team roster has all SCK managed to do is dilute their once quality product.

The simple answer is no, of course not. The quality standard that SCK puts on the field every season is far superior to anything offered in the area and even better than WAKA could provide. Some feel that a $35 per season price-tag is a little high. However considering the value contained in SCK membership, it really is a hell of a deal. From bar drink specials to free bowling Tuesday nights and everything in between, all the little things count. Paid umpires, paid uniforms, and SCK's continued effort to re-invest in the league; i.e. new website, new scoreboards, and in the near future on-line registration. It really is a great value.

The other thing to consider is, player fees not only pay for the league costs, but they are also a big part of the league's charity work. All Sun City Kickballers should be proud to know by playing kickball they are also giving back to the El Paso community. Just over the holiday season SCK donated over a $1000 and collected 800 pounds of food for our four legged friends.

However, in all fairness I don't think that is what the Angry Umpire is eluding to when he asks if SCK's product is being diluted. He is talking about competition, plain and simple. Granted, for those more hardcore kickballers the season is off to a slow start. There have been few marque match-ups and most of the more anticipated games won't be played until the end of the season. Unless you are a person who likes 20-0, 15-5, 17-0 beatdowns, then the season is looking tip top. However I thought the saying was, "to be the best, you have to beat the best." I never thought good competition is power house teams beating up on cup cake teams. I doubt that is ever fun for either side. Some of the veteran teams look bored and I don't play them.

The same can be said for "the friendlies". They may not really care if they win or lose, but honestly, who wants to get the ever-loving snot beat out of them each week. You would think that they would much rather play a team who is not only of the same skill set, but more importantly a team who is of the same state mind. Just playing to play, just playing to have some fun.

Which always leads us to the same question, "Should SCK offer competitive and non-competitive divisions?"
Every season the option is considered, but oddly the popularity for such a move always hovers around 50% for and 50% against. As the league continues to expand it is time to finally end this debate. With 28 teams this season and who knows how many next season, the time to answer this question is upon us.

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Trying To Make a Name

Every season there is always a handful of rookie teams who come into the league thinking they will take SCK by storm. They have these fleeting dreams of winning a King of Kickball title in their first attempt. Little do they know the bloodbath they are about to walk into. Eventually these rookies have their hopes, dreams, and Disney fantasies crushed into dust by the vastly more experienced and knowledgeable veteran teams. By the end of the season, their sad expressions are the equivalent to a 400 pound man sitting on someones puppy. 

Most of the rookie teams never see it coming, because frankly they just don't know what competitive kickball is really all about. However every now and then, one veteran player gets the cute idea of branching off of their former team and recruiting brand new rookie players to try and win a kickball title. Now is this a "rookie team" in the traditional sense? Not necessarily, but when only 5 of your 16 players have any competitive kickball experience, you are more on the end of a rookie team than a veteran team.

Coach Daniel "Chucky Bear" Acuna is the brave little kickballer who thinks he can take a fairly new bunch of players and spin them into a championship caliber team. Is it possible? Well anything is possible, but in all honesty I've seen them scrimmage a couple of times and nothing about them screamed out Championship team. Although they currently hold a 2-0 record, both those wins were against sub-par teams. However I guess you can't argue with results, wins are what counts. But the fact of the matter is, it's going to take a lot more wins and runs to make this team a contender for the SCK King of Kickball title. Their one advantage is their coach is no stranger to kickball and knows what it takes to contend in this league. When asked about his team, Coach C-Bear said, "I like to live life one pitch at a time. We'll just have to see what comes our way. I know we can handle it." We will see Senor Chucky Bear...we will see...

"99 Problems But a Pitch Ain't One's" next opponent will be a decent Vicious & Delicious squad. A win won't build much credibility, but a loss will undoubtedly take away any hype that has been built up thus far.

God speed and Good Luck - Happy Kicking

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Week 2 Recap

As we exit Week 2, we are just beginning to see the separation in skill levels between all the teams. Some of the skilled veteran teams are starting this season right and picking up where they left off last season. Winning. While other veteran teams who were never that great are still struggling to gain ground. While the "friendlies" are still having fun and getting drunk. Nice!

Game of the Week Results

After Week 1 there were a bunch of question marks surrounding the Thundercats. The Thunderkitties were suppose to be a new powerhouse team, but that idea has quickly feel by the wayside. The momentum gaining I'd Hit It was able to put away the kitties by a small score of 2-0. I don't know if this is more telling of what kind of team I'd Hit It is or what kind of team the Thundercats are. However you must consider that the kitties did play two very good opponents in the New Kicks and I'd Hit It. They were able to keep up with both teams.

That being said, I still believe this was a solid win for I'd Hit It. I think they are contenders and this should be one of their more promising seasons. Are they being given too much love? Nah...

On Fire...

I don't typically write about the Drunken Monkeyz, because frankly I just don't want to hear the crying. They are probably one of the better teams that gets the least amount of hype. If anything they should have already obtained that Shocker villainous like stigma by now, but for whatever reason they really haven't. They play to win and nothing else. They don't make a secret of it and they truthfully aren't assholes about it either. On that note, neither are the Shockers. The problem is you can't stop from writing about arguably one of the best teams in the league. And there isn't one kickball aficionado that can disagree with that statement. Sure they have only kicked around a couple of cupcake teams, but they ate them as a treat like every powerhouse team should.


The Kick N Da Balls are on the verge of another kickball season meltdown. Every season they have the youth and talent to be a very dangerous team, but every season this talent is squandered. I love you guys, you know who you are, but this team's lack of success is due to coaching. Too many pitchers, a horrendous batting order, and too many missed opportunities. If this team was able to better organize their team, they would be an strong contender. 

Dark Horses
A couple of mid-range teams that are looking good are One More Shot, 99 Problems, and the Runs. 

One More Shot got their first strong win of the season with a 8-3 solid win over Vicious and Delicious. 

99 Problems beat a sister team and LTA step-child team No More Heroes. Apparently and very literally they have no more heroes on their team and maybe never did. Final score was a close 3-1

The Runs looked good at the end of last season and are looking great this season already sporting a pair of wins. Keep and eye out for these guys...and gals.


Tuesday, March 15, 2011

The People Have Spoken

From time to time, It's Just Kickball likes to feature Kickballer Polls on various topics. This week's topic was Who should be considered the Real #1 team in SCK?

The I.J.K Top Ten Poll is basically based on loosely complied statistics and other arbitrary methods. From now on,  the Kickballer's Pick factor will be added to the list of arbitrary bogus qualifications along with the normal statistical considerations and possibly the Angry Umps #1 pick, the Commish's #1 Pick, and the I.J.K #1 pick.. This week's kickballer's pick is the once mighty Shockers.

The Shocker Era has been on a steady decline for 3 seasons now. In the beginning, it looked like the Shockers would quickly become SCK's first kickball dynasty. However after winning two back-to-back King of Kickball titles, they have done little to show they will ever reach true dynasty status. Yes, they win games. Yes, the destroy some teams. Yes, they are always in the playoffs, but what good is that when the rival Drunken Monkeys eliminate them from King of Kickball contention season after season. At this point, the only thing the Shockers are known for is eliminating the Balls & Dolls from the playoffs every season and even that is quickly becoming a novelty. However if the Shockers meet the Balls & Dolls in the playoffs this season, hands down the Balls & Dolls win that game. Easily.

For now the Shockers sit at #1 simply because they scored the most runs during Week #1 and basically digested a rookie team, which is what Top Ten teams are suppose to do.

Thundercats Take II

Last week's Game of the Week between the New Kicks on the Block and the Thundercats was an absolute flop. Pre-season there was a ton of hype surrounding the Thundercats, admittedly most of that was my doing.

My understanding was that the Thundercats were going to field a hand picked team of kickball henchmen and Thursday night mercenaries. However to their credit, it seems like they went the traditional rout and merely got a handful of friends together for some kickball. Don't get me wrong, they do have some heavy hitters on their team, but its not the team I imagined. Custom kickball death squads are becoming more and more popular, i.e. Confused Kixxx and the Party Crashers. These teams are all-star assembled teams who pay for championships with blood. It turns out the Thundercats are not one of these kickball death squads.

At least from what I witnessed last Wed, they aren't some sort of mercenary team. They are still dangerous though, they played well. However I think we must give them one more chance before we dismiss this team completely. Lucky for us they get the recharged I'd Hit It this coming up week.

This past Wed, I'd Hit It totally embarrassed Los Fah Qs by a score of 17-0. Fah Q? No no Fah Q Pinchi Andy! Now let's see what I'd Hit It can do against the Thunderkitties. This will be a good gauge of both teams skill. THIS IS THE GAME OF THE WEEK!

The Game of the Week should have been between the Balls & Dolls and the New Kicks on the Block. Too bad Domino decided to take his entire team to Vegas for Spring Break to participate in a team building exercise, which unfortunately will result in a forfeit for New Kicks. Awww nuts. Oh well...

Monday, March 14, 2011

At-Large Attention

The opinions, comments, and/or suggestions are solely that of each individual authors.

Written by: Newton's Flaw

Amid the latest local at-large shortcoming, I bring you SCK’s at-large alert for the kickball dance. Some teams do not worry about being in this scenario because they believe themselves to be on the polar end of the Red Ball world, whether its on the Elite End or the Who Gives A Fuck End.  However, for those more equatorial teams, Wednesday might be your chance to prove that you are deserving of an At-Large nod come May.

The following teams are in need of a win this week being that their games are paired against beatable foes. For the exception of Vicious & Delicious, a fourth divisional seed would be considered a good season. And even though the VD has potential to have a great season, they need to start showcasing some skills this week.   
Vicious & Delicious, 1 More Shot, Kick N D Balls, Hash House Harries, Where My Pitches At?, Hung Jury  

This next group faces the toughest challenge of all the mid-majors. Unfortunately, their last non-divisional games come at the hands of teams that might just end up crowning themselves the next King of Kickball. However, a great game and these teams might just have a case. My best advice, do your best to avoid a blow out.

Red Hot Cherry Poppers, Pitch, Please, Billy Badasses

The following two teams have started off on the right foot, and they may not even need any help later, BUT a loss would put them back in playoff limbo. Judging by their divisions, a fourth seed might be in their destiny.

Brown Chicken Brown Cow, The Runs

The match of the week comes between two teams whose latitude is approaching the more competitive end of the Red Ball Earth. A loss for either team would not put themselves in a complete Doomsday scenario, but a win would definitely catapult the team’s confidence to end up in the automatic 12 qualifying spots.

No More Heroes vs 99 Problems but a Pitch Aint One- Modesto 2- 9:00

The last pair of matches worth mentioning are notable not for their playoff implications but for the dismal statistical feat. These four teams combine for a run differential of -70 and all are still looking to score their first run. The future is uncertain, but for these four teams the forecast does not look too promising.

Royal Tienenballs vs Mataconchas-Memo V.- 7:00
The 28s vs Los Fah Qs- Memo V.- 9:00

Friday, March 11, 2011

Disclaimer: Sun City Kickball is, has, and will always be for each individual player. That being said, all players, coaches, and fans are each entitled to their opinion and to have it voiced. Lucky for the Angry Umpire, I take out the soap box every once and awhile, dust it off, and let him have his fun. The following is the the opinion of the individual author and does not represent the opinions of Sun City Kickball.

Written by: James "The Angry Umpire" Vargas 

What a freaking disappointment!! I went into the new season with extremely high hopes, only to have them come crashing down all around me. This was supposed to be the best season ever for Sun City Kickball. I bought into the hype. 28 teams…Really??? The Spring season had the makings to be the best ever…NOT!!

The fact that SCK has 28 teams on its roster is great. The fact that over three quarter of the teams are nothing more than glorified tee ball teams makes me wonder why. Why would SCK register so many teams? Why would some of these teams even think about playing a kids game that has become super competitive?? And why will they even keep showing up week after week??? Most of these teams are going to get their asses handed to them every single Wednesday. And I’m not just talking about the rookies; some of the “Veteran” teams were in rare form during week 1. You would think that after their countless seasons of experience they would have picked up a trick or two, but after personally witnessing a couple of these games I can honestly say that these peeps have not athletically matured since elementary school. They are horrible to watch and hurt my eyes!!

The upper echelon teams feasted on the weak and hapless. I haven’t heard all of the scores yet, but from the few that crossed my ears, all I can is wow!? 24-0…18-0 and even a 17-0!?!?! Really?? Why would anyone in there right mines show up for that kind of masochistic beatings every Wednesday? And even the “good” games, fell short of everyone’s expectations. New Kicks VS The Thundercatz was suppose to be a clash of titans. But this clash mere mortals was very underwhelming and left everyone who witnessed it with allot to be desired. An inside source told me and I quote, “Thundercatz are garbage…so are the New Kicks!” When it was all said and done these two pretenders managed to bore everyone in attendance to a 1-1 tie.

Overall, all SCK has managed to do is dilute their once quality product. Having that many teams gives the talking heads on the board nothing more than bragging rights over the Thursday league. I doubt anyone of them can tell me with a straight face that all the fresh meat has improved the overall product. SCK finest will get fat happy feasting on all the tenderfoots and greenhorns. Everyone please remember to bring your Tums and Pepto to the park, you all are going to need them!


Thursday, March 10, 2011

Week 1 Re-Cap

So after a brutally long wait, SCK's Spring Season Opener has been played and is now in the books. It was a fun night and inspiring to see how much the league has grown. 28 teams is the official count and with 5 fields currently being used SCK is undoubtedly the place to be Wednesday nights. Upward and onward.

Week 1 was slated for non-divisional games, however there was much on the line for all the kickball contenders and pretenders out there. The kickball vets were looking to maintain their reps, while the kickball rookies were trying to show they can compete with the best the league has to offer. And of course there were the friendlies, who come out each week just to play some kickity kickball, have fun and socialize; all while they kick back and laugh at the ridiculousness of the "hardcore" players.

Game of the Week
The Game of the Week was between two very good teams, the New Kicks on the Block v.s the Thundercats. The New Kicks are a small scrappy team lead by their Coach and It's Just Kickball Award winner David "Domino" Fernandez. Although they are a fairly new team, they are quickly showing that they can be contenders in this league. The Thundercats are solid squad, lead by another kickball vet, Damian Lamas. This is their first season here at SCK; however they are no strangers to kickball. The team is comprised of bits and pieces of kickball tourney players and veteran league players. 

So all in all, the match up between these teams should have been an exciting back and forth bout. The only problem was... it wasn't. Don't get me wrong, it was a decent game. But there was very little excitement. A defensive snooze fest is the best description. In all honestly, the best part of the game was the unwavering good sportsmanship between both teams.Very calm and respectable. I hope you're taking notes Mr. Ricky 'The 3-Second Fuse" Random! I can spare the highlights because there weren't many. Expect of course for Domino's standard solo in the park home-run, which brings his steak to 103 straight games with a solo shot home-run.

Final Score - 
New Kicks on the Block - 1            
ThunderCats - 1  

Who's Hot / Who's Not

It's better to be lucky than good any day of the week. The Shockers  were dealt a great deal of luck as their 1st match up of the season was against a team who has absolutely the least amount of kickball experience in the league. The former spot of the Beavers and Balls was given to the team currently only known as "the 28th team". The game was a baptism by fire and obviously a 24-0 blood bath. Which begs the question, are the Shockers really that good? Or was it that their opponents just had no experience and no way to stop them? Maybe its a bit of both but for now....

They are Hot !

As I glance down at the bottom 5 teams, one team name glares out at me in particular, Los Fah Qs. This is a team FULL of kickball experience and kickball vets. They have absolutely no business getting slaughtered 
17-0. Although their beat down was handed down by the #4 ranked team I'd Hit It, who is looking to be a strong contender for the SCK title. Even then, this isn't Los Fah Qs first rodeo. They been in the game way to long to be letting this happen. That's what you get for killing unicorns! Poor Awesome, but that's another story for another day.

They are not.... 

Honorable Mention

Rookie teams are always looking to make a name for themselves. However few ever do, but that was until rookie team Stone Cold Kickers was able to eek into the #10 ranking in their first week of kickball. They were able to put away their rookie counterparts, Hung Jury, by a score of 7-4.  

Congrats Stone Cold Kickers !!!

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

The Short Straw

Opening Day is almost upon us and with it comes the first 2 weeks of non-divisional games. For the first two weeks of the season, teams will have opportunity to play other teams that are not in their division. Which should be fun, considering that they probably wont get see these other teams until sometime during the playoffs (If their lucky). Match-ups were randomly drawn and unfortunately some teams were luckier than others.

One of those "unlucky" teams ended up being #4 New Kicks on the Block, who really drew the short straw. Other ranked teams such as the #1 Chupacabrones and #2 Balls to the Wall; received favorable schedules which will practically assure them a 2-0 start for the season. The New Kicks on the other hand, must play #7 Thundercats during Week 1. The Thundercats in hindsight are probably ranked to low.They are more deserving of a top 5 spot instead of #7. This match up will test the metal of both teams. This undoubtedly is the match-up of the week.

After playing the Thundercats, entering Week 2 the New Kicks must then play #6 Balls & Dolls. Incidentally I recently attended a scrimmage between the #6 Balls & Dolls and #8 No More Heroes. After a very relaxed scrimmage the Bs&Ds ended up winning the match 7-2 in convincing fashion. Which leads me to the conclusion that No More Heroes will probably not hold the pre-season #8 ranking for too long.

But I digress, in the end the #4 New Kicks really drew a tough two weeks to start the season. They will have to back to back two very tough teams to prove they are contenders. However at the end of the two weeks, the league and their team should have a very good idea of whether or not the New Kicks on the Block have what it takes to compete for a King of Kickball title.