Monday, November 16, 2009

Awesome Kickball Shindig!

The end of season SCK party was a blast. Special thanks goes out to Cimi & Kathleen for letting us use the Pirates! Liar, to Lorraine for feeding us some yummy food, to DJ Freddy & Tiger Pride for the tunes and to everyone else that made the night possible!
I won't ramble on about how great the party was because a picture is worth a thousand words!

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Opps They Did It Again!

I'm pleased to announce that the Shockers have won their 2nd Sun City Kickball - Kings of Kickball Championship. They did it in back-2-back seasons by proudly defending their title in very convincing fashion. Was this expected? In a way, yes. The fan poll was in their favor, not to mention that the Shockers have lost only ONE game in two season of play. Need I say more....

The rookie team I'd Hit It, realistically, was a massive underdog. There is alot to be said about experience and the Shockers have an abundance of it. Experience made all the difference in this game. However I'd Hit It is an excellent team who has shown they can compete at the highest level in and out of SCK. They dominated their division and are expected to do the same next season. The pieces are there for a superb team. Its all about gaining the experience and learning to not make mistakes.

On a side note, I just wanted to say that when I sit down to write these postings I always try to do it in a way to entertain the kickaholics. For those of you who visit the blog I hope you are being entertained or atleast informed. Sometimes my posts may be a tad bit sarcastic or I might jeer a team a little bit but its all, honestly, in good fun. All season I tried to put a bulls-eye on the Shockers back. Why? Because they were the team to beat. I did almost everything except post that they practice their kicking by rolling puppies instead of balls because puppies are alot harder to kick far. (Which I think is true) But it wasn't because I thought they were villains. It was to create fun, drama, excitement. After all, hence the title Its Just Kickball! To their credit, they were good sports about it. Which leads me to my final plea. Help! If anyone would like to contribute a posting please feel free to send it to me. It would be nice to have a different perspective. All writers get full credit for their work on each post. So don't be shy! It doesn't take long to come out with something to write about. (Ha....So much for a small side note) = )

Another Day

The Fall 09 season has barely finished and preparations for the next season are already underway. The next season will start the first week of Feb. Until then, there is much that has to be decided.

The league continues to grow each season. This past season we saw the league double in size. We anticipate close to the same response for this next season. Which means in order to accommodate a new influx of teams we need to make room. The tentative plan is to have games on two different nights. Teams would only play once a week on their scheduled day. The reason we need two different nights is because we can only accommodate 12 teams per night. So we are asking new players, potential players, returning players, and everyone in between for some input. Given the choice, besides Wed. nights, what night would you prefer to play your games. We set up a poll along the right side of the page for everyone to vote. Also feel free to include comments and/or suggestions on this post. This is a very important decision so your input is greatly appreciated.

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Surprised? You Shouldn't Be!

I hear many kickballers and teams dismiss team I'd Hit It as a just an "OK" team. They are totally under-rated. Honestly, I don't know why. In their rookie season of kickball they have already earned a great amount of accomplishments.

For instance, they finished undefeated in the Sun Rise Divisions with a perfect 5-0 record. They only lost one game the entire season to the defending champs and the also undefeated Shockers. Most importantly they won runner-up in a charity kickball tourney that put them against much more experienced and competitive teams. Truth be told, they deserve alot more credit. Next Wed. they will compete in the Sun City Kickball King of Kickball Championship and they have an awesome opportunity to really prove the naysayers wrong. However they will have their hands absolutely full trying to upset the dominating Shockers. Some kickballers might see next week's game as simply a formality on the Shockers quest for back-2-back championship but you never know. That's why we play the games. Although you know what they say, "Every dog has its day". The only problem is the Shockers have been pretty much the pitbulls of the league. Tearing all challengers to ribbons but....we will see what happens next Wed. Lets get it on!

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

The Proof is in the Pudding

Anyone can talk the talk but the true test is if you can walk the walk. After two weeks of playful smack talk and partying it up during Halloween, the Balls & Dolls and Shockers met on the k-ball diamond for the much anticipated Mountain Star Division Championship. Obviously it was billed to be one the best games of the season and in many ways it was.

The Bs & Ds came out confident and firing on all cylinders. The Shockers seemed to be taken back and a little bit surprised but were ready to duke it out with their favorite rivals. The Balls & Dolls quickly put three runs on the board in the top of the 1st but the mighty Shockers quickly struck back in the bottom of the 1st with three of their own. Although the game was close, the momentum seemed to be more with the Bs&Ds. However as I have said all season, the Shocks are ridiculously clutch, bottom line. If you let them hang around and don't put them away early, you will be in a world of hurt before the game is over. The Shockers were trialing by 1 run when the game reached the bottom of the 7th inning. Down to their last 3 outs they made the Balls & Dolls pay dearly. They brought in two runs to put them ahead and get them the win. The Balls & Dolls had a win in their grasp and had to helplessly watch as the Shockers said," Not in my house!"

The Shockers now have a chance at a second King of Kickball Championship, in back-2-back fashion. Could we be looking at the 1st Sun City Kickball Dynasty? Three Championships should do it......

Monday, October 26, 2009

Mountain Star Division Honors!

The following achievements were earned by teams of the Mountain Star Division. Only stats from the regular season ending in Week 7 were used.

Offensive & Defensive Teams of the Fall 09 Season

Balls & Dolls -- Shockers

  • I cant begin to tell you how humorous I find this! Why? Well, these two teams happen to have the biggest rivalry in Sun City Kickball. It isn't a heated rivalry. These two teams don't "hate" each other. In fact both these teams are quite cordial and social with each other off the field. However when its game's ON! Being the two biggest kids on the kickball block they are obviously going to be competitive with each other. So it only makes it fitting that these two teams would have to share such an honor. Both teams finished the regular season scoring 48 points. In addition, the both set the new Sun City Kickball league record allowing only 14 runs throughout the entire regular season! The previous record of 18 runs allowed was solely owned by the Shockers but they will now have to share the limelight with their twin kickball buddies the Balls & Dolls. And to top it all off, these two teams will be playing each other for their division championship! You just can't make this stuff up folks! Congratulations to both teams and good luck in your division championship!

Sunrise Division Honors!

The following are special achievements teams in the Sunrise Division have earned from regular season play. Only stats from the regular season ending on Week 7 were used to award each team.

Offensive Team of the Fall 09 Season

Family Jewelz

  • After bombarding the Violet Femmes in the 1st game of the season they never looked back. They ended the regular season with a Sun City Kickball League Record of 55 regular season points! The 54 point regular season record was previously held by the Drunken Monkeyz of the Summer 09 season. Great Job Jewelz!

Defensive Team of the Fall 09 Season

Family Jewelz

  • Last season the Family Jewelz were a winless team. However this season the Jewelz were able to finish the regular season with a 5-2 record and touting the best defense in the Sunrise Division. They allowed only 16 runs, an average of 2.2 runs a game. The have improved leaps and bounds over last season. Hopefully this trend will continue. Great job again Jewelz!

Blanket Drive


El Paso, TX - SunCity Kickball will host its first ever Mama-Jama, Grand-Slama Halloween Blanket Drive on Wednesday, October 28, 2009 from 7:00 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. at E.L. Williams Field, 752 Lafayette Drive.

SunCity Kickball is teaming up with the Extreme Weather Task Force, a non-profit organization, to collect blankets and/or monetary donations to help keep needy families warm during the upcoming winter months.

In addition, SunCity Kickball will be hosting Two Exhibition Games that will be played for fun and in costume at 7:00 p.m. and 8:30 p.m. The general public is invited to come out to support SunCity Kickball and the Extreme Weather Task Force.
Bring a new sealed full-sized blanket or a monetary donation. Checks can be made out to the El Paso County Local Emergency Planning Committee. Please make sure to include the Extreme Weather Task Force in the memo field. One raffle ticket will be given for each blanket or $6.00 monetary donation given. Prizes will be awarded throughout the night.

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Playoff Week Results

Shockers - 3
Sons of Pitches - 2

This game was the most surprising of the night. The Sons of Pitches were able to keep up with the defending champs for most of the game. They played a great game but it wasn't enough to take down the Shockers. The Shocks are the defending champs for a reason, because they know how to finish games. Chalk another win up for the Shockers. In their next game and for the Mountain Star division championship they will face their nemesis, the Balls & Dolls.

Balls & Dolls -5
Los Fronchyz - 4

This match up was ridiculously close from start to finish. The game had to go into extra innings to be decided. Both teams exchanged runs and went stride for stride. Unfortunately for Los Fronchyz the ball didn't bounce their way. During what could have been the go ahead run, B&D pitcher Johnny 5 made a desperate throw home after a botched play. Miraculously the ball bounced and hit the Fronchyz runner right before he made it home. Unlucky for Los Fronchyz and VERY lucky for the Balls & Dolls. During the next inning, the Balls & Dolls were able to wrap up the game with a sacrifice fly by captain Oscar Esparza and walk off run by Nadia Morales.

I'd Hit It - 5


1 More Shot - 1

Family Jewelz - 3


Multiple Scoregasms - 13

Monday, October 19, 2009

The Best Around

We are now down to the top 8 teams in the league. These teams have fought long and hard to get to this point. There is a good mix of experienced teams and rookie teams. The experienced teams seem to have a slight edge going into the post-season.

The post-season is much different than the regular season. During play-off time certain rules change to make the game more competitive. For example, during post-season games the number of innings increases from 5 to 7. If the game is tied after 7 innings extra innings will be added. In addition, the Gentleman's Pitch or the #4 cannot be used. This may make the game much more difficult. Finally there will be no disputes allowed during the playoffs. Umpires will be extra vigilant and make the final call on all rulings.

After the dust settles Wed. night we will be only 4 teams away from crowning the King of Kickball! So good luck to all the teams!

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Down to the Wire!

It is safe to say Los Fronchyz were looking past the Pirates!. Los Fronchyz have already secured a playoff spot and the Pirates! were supposed to just be practice for the playoffs next week. However the Pirates! staggered onto the field in full form, like a bunch of sailors on shore leave and ready for their last game. This game was close the entire way. After drumming up 14 runs last week, most people were just waiting for Los Fronchyz to start the merry-go-round around the bases but it never happened. Then somehow the Pirates! came out of their drunken stupor to realize, "Hey we might win this!". Well they didn't win but it was a last inning drive that would end this game in a 2-2 tie. Down to their last out, a right field kick sent MVP Ben Fyffe home to score! Great Job!

At Last!

Two teams were looking for their first win Wed. night. The slated match was to be between the Violet Femmes & Looking to Score. Which team came out victorious? Believe or not the Violet Femmes would win this kickball bout...well kind of. The Femme's team pride was at its highest point Wed. even after being 0-6 for the season. And because they all decided to finish the season stong, enough players showed up to their last game. Why is this important? Well sadly, most of Looking to Score's team decided to take the night off. This gave the Femmes their first WIN ever, even though it came at the hands of a forfeit by the other team. A win is a win! Congratulations Violet Femmes!

The Bigger They are the Harder They Fall!

The superhuman and once dominating Shockers are starting to look more and more human ever week. Apparently they do bleed. The past three weeks have been tough for the Shockers. This team is used to running teams off their field in embarrassing fashion. They used to be able to run up the score with ease,no problem at all. However they have been humbled for weeks now. They are still undefeated in SCK league play but the shine is starting to come off their apple. They are starting to lose their grip on their once evident dominance.

During Week 6, they barely escaped a (3-3) Scoregasms team. The Shockers did win the match but their win had more to do with the Scoregasm's mistakes than anything else. Then came the weekend when the Shocks were spanked twice during Kicktoberfest and didn't make the championship game, something which they expected to do quite easily. In addition, this past Wed the Family Jewelz gave them all they could handle in a very close game. So now two of the "pee-wee" division teams made the Shockers very nervous. Yet they were still victorious and they are still undefeated.

They are obviously bending as a team so it begs the question,"Will they break?". We will soon find out.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Moving On Up!

Team I'd Hit It has been ranked #3 in the Sun City Kickball Power Rankings for weeks now. Last week, their undefeated streak came to an end at the hands of the #2 Balls & Dolls. However the Kicktoberfest tourney really showed what I'd Hit It is all about, which is winning. They were able to get to the Championship bout and win the runner up trophy. In addition, they had to get through the mighty Balls & Dolls to do it. Taking into consideration all these factors, I'd Hit It is now ranked #2 in the league. Great Job!

Last Chance

Last chances are hard to come by. You beg and plead for one more chance. When you get it, you are grateful and swear not to make the same mistakes again. A life lesson, as well as a Kickball lesson?

The Violet Femmes and Looking to Score have one more chance to pick up their first win. They didn't have to beg or plead for another game but Im sure they are glad that there is one more opportunity. It would be great for each team to end the season on a high note with a much needed win. However only one of these teams will get their first game winning high. Unfortunately and quite conveniently these two teams will be playing each other for their last regular season game. A twist of fate undoubtedly handed down from the Kickball Gods. Apparently they do have a sense of humor. An important note, the last two winless teams that played a game against each other ended in a tie. Unbelievable, I know. Will history repeat itself? For the sake of one of these teams, I sure hope not.

How the Mighty Have Fallen!

Its been a long while since the mighty Shockers lost in a kickball contest. In fact, the last time they lost it was against probably the best k-ball team to ever grace the Sun City Kickball League, which was the ever dominating Drunken Monkeyz. Since that time the Shockers have not lost a game, well until this past weekend. They were spanked twice during the Kicktoberfest tourney. Dropping games against two different teams outside of SCK. Now they are riding a two game losing streak coming into the last regular season game. They are up against the determined Family Jewelz, who will be playing without Coach Jose "Crazy Legs" Ojeda. Can the Jewelz extend the punch drunk Shocker's losing streak to 3 games? Maybe. If they do win it would be surprising but still very possible.

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Sun City Kickball Represents!

If you missed the Kicktoberfest charity kickball tourney then you missed an awesome time! Three of SCK's teams went out to participate, they were team I'd Hit It, the Shockers, and the Balls & Dolls.

This past Saturday was the first time the Sun City Kickball League played against teams outside of their own league. Not only did they play well but it some cases they dominated the competition. Throughout the tourney all the teams ran into some enormous hurdles and obstacles. Namely, very bias officiating. There were numerous slanted calls going against any team with a SCK logo on their shirts. However this was to be expected. Even though they were robbed numerous times, all three teams made it to the final rounds.

Team I'd Hit It was able to make it into the Championship game. They played against team Thunder Cats. With MVP pitcher Lucas Quimiro, they gave the Thunder Pus...I mean Kitties, a run for their money. One of the most memorable moments was when all of SCK's eliminated teams stayed to cheer and support team I'd Hit It. Even more memorable was the "crowd warning" that the overwhelmed umpires had to threaten the league with. Hilarious! We might need to offer those umpires a week at Oscar's School for Aspiring Umpires. I'd Hit It would eventually lose by 2 points but in the end it really didn't matter, because everyone had a fun filled day of kickball and hanging out under the old shade tree. They did however pick up the runner-up trophy. Can't wait for the next tourney. =)
Special Thanks to:
Oswaldo Vielma - For his very generous donation to feed all the hunrgy players!
Laura Ponce - For the coffee and the delicious donuts
The Breakfast Burrito Guy/Girl - Don't know who it was but they were goooooood.
Jesus Alvarado & Kathleen Decker - For the healthy fruity apples, bananas, and oranges.
Lucas Quimiro - For his post-tourney comedy show.
Anyone who brought beer or the other numerous people who brought and pitched for all goodies.
Sun City Kickball Board Members - For their time, patience, and effort.
and Aldo Monterrey for his canopy that no one used and his ice chest that smelled wierd.

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Kickball Ambassadors

This weekend two of Sun City Kickball's teams, the Shockers & the Balls & Dolls (who will be playing under the pseudonym "the Misfits"), will be playing in a charity kickball tournament. The tourney will be held at Capistrano Park on Saturday Oct. 10th from 8am to 4pm. We invite all teams, players, and fans to come on out. Please come and support your teams and the league. Sun City will be set up at the park so we invite you to stop by and visit with us. Don't forget to wear your uniform! Hope to see you there!

Go Shockers & Ball & Dolls...opps I mean Misfits!!!

Mountain Stars barely take Week 6

The Mountain Star division barely squeezed by the Sun Rise teams with one more overall win during this week's games. Week 6 ended with a division v.s division record of 3-2-1 the lead going to the veteran M.S division.
Here are the final scores from Week 6
  • Balls & Dolls - 14
  • Id Hit It - 2

Id Hit It's dream of an undefeated season ended abruptly with an absolute shellacking at the hands of the #2 Balls & Dolls.

  • Pirates! - 4
  • Looking to Score - 0

The pirates were able to plunder another win while Looking to Score was left still....well....looking to score.

  • Los Fronchyz - 14
  • Violet Femmes - 1

Los Fronchyz finally decided they do have some big time offensive. They must prefer the dirt at Sun City Field.

  • 1 More Shot - 2
  • Los Totally Awesomes - 2

After a snails pace, time ran out for both of these teams. Good thing for the fans it was free Pillow & Blanket Day at Shocker Stadium.

  • Shockers - 5
  • Multiple Scoregasms - 2

No one really expected this game to end any different. However it could have been worse but too bad for the Scoregasms there are no moral victories in kickball. Like the late great Vince Lombardi once SAID, "Winning isn't everything, its the ONLY thing."

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Power Rankings going into Week 6

Power Rankings
- #1 Shockers
- #2 Balls & Dolls
- #3 I'd Hit It
- #4 Family Jewelz
- #5 Multiple Scoregasms
^ #6 Los Fronchyz
^ #7 1 More Shot
v #8 Sons of Pitches
v #9 Los Totally Awesomes
- #10 Pirates!
- #11 Looking to Score
- #12 Violet Femmes

Clash of the Divisions

With the division schedule complete, it is now time to see which division is best! Bragging rights are on the line for each side. Also besides defending their division's honor some teams have their own pride to defend.There are two teams, the Shockers & I'd Hit It,who will be trying to keep their undefeated records. In addition, the Violet Femmes & Looking to Score are hungry and in search of their first win of the season.

The match up between the Balls & Dolls and I'd Hit It is a must see! The Bs & Ds are currently 4-1 with their only loss coming from a close game against the undefeated Shockers. They lost the match by 1 point against a Shocker team who was dominating the competition up until that point. I'd Hit It is sporting a perfect 5-0 record. A achievement they don't plan on giving up without a fight. However they are running into a more experienced and seasoned team. So they are going to have to play perfect if they intend to keep their perfect streak alive.

Another key match up is between the Violet Femmes and Los Fronchyz. The Femmes are starving for their first win, which means Los Fronchyz will have their hands full. Los Fronchyz are middle of the road right now. They have a even record of 2-2-1. This game could go either way. Should be close.

Another team trying to defend their undefeated record is the Shockers. They are slated against the 3-2 Multiple Scoregasms. MS has been hit or miss the last couple of weeks. They have been relying mainly on their defense since their offense has been pretty much stagnant. The Shockers are just an overall much better team. They have a high octane offense and a stone wall defense. The Scoregasms will need to come up with a perfect game plan and execute it flawlessly to even have a chance of pulling the upset.

Karl's Kickball Spread - Week 6

Balls & Dolls -5
I'd Hit It +5

Over/Under 8PTS
Pirates! -2
Looking to Score +2

Over/Under 6PTS
Los Fronchyz -6
Violet Femmes +6

Over/Under 10PTs
Los Totally Awesomes -3
1 More Shot +3

Over/Under 8pts
Family Jewelz -4
Sons of Pitches +4

Over/Under 7pts
Shockers -3
Multiple Scoregasms +3
Over Under 7pts

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Playoff Seeds

*The following are the playoff seeds for each division*
Mountain Star Division
  • #1 Seed - Shockers
  • #2 Seed - Balls & Dolls
  • #3 Seed - Los Fronchyz
  • #4 Seed - Sons of Pitches
Sunrise Division
  • #1 Seed - I'd Hit It
  • #2 Seed - Family Jewelz
  • #3 Seed - Multiple Scoregasms
  • #4 Seed - 1 More Shot

Week 5 Results

The division schedule is in the books! There were many anxious teams waiting to see if they would make the playoffs. Some teams earned and battled their way in, while others just got lucky. Either way, whats done is done and there are still games to be played.Now we are about to enter the non-division games and see which division is truly the best. Will the Mountain Star division's skilled veterans trounce all over the rookie teams of the Sunrise Division? Or will the newbies show that the Mountain Star division is over-hyped and yesterdays news? Two Words: Game On!

Week 5 Results
  • Shockers - 5
  • Looking to Score - 0

  • Balls & Dolls - 4
  • Los Totally Awesomes - 0

  • I'd Hit It - 2
  • Pirates! - 1

  • Los Fronchyz -1
  • Sons of Pitches -0

  • 1 More Shot - 12
  • Violet Femmes -0

  • Family Jewelz - 1
  • Multiple Scoregasms - 0

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Karl's Kickball Spreads

  • Sons of Pitches -6
  • Los Fronchyz +6

Over/Under 10PTS


  • Balls & Dolls -10
  • Los Totally Awesomes +10

Over/Under 14PTS


  • Shockers -12
  • Looking to Score +12

Over/Under 14PTs


  • Multiple Scoregasms PICK
  • Family Jewelz PICK

Over/Under 8pts


  • I'd Hit It -5
  • Pirates! +5

Over/Under 6pts


  • 1 More Shot -2
  • Violet Femmes +2

Over Under 4pts


1 Brew - min.

12pk Max

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

The Playoffs are closing in...

With one division game left some teams are in panic mode, while others are ready to go into cruise control. Next week will begin the less intense non-division schedule. Teams will have a chance to cleanse their pallet and maybe play on a different field. Lets see how each division does. I will post the record for each division weekly. Good luck and represent!

Power Rankings - Week 4
#1 Shockers
The Shockers will be playing the win-less Looking to Score for their final division game. Its pretty safe to say that they will finish their division schedule undefeated, securing the #1 seed for the playoffs. They will be playing two of the tougher teams from the Sun Rise Division during their non-division schedule. Maybe the Sun Rise teams can upset the #1 Shockers.
#2 Balls & Dolls
The Balls & Dolls are undoubtedly the 2nd best team in the league. They have clinched a playoff spot and can relax until then. Their last division game will be against the inconsistent Los Totally Awesomes. Strangely enough the Bs & Ds will also be facing two of the better teams from the Sun Rise Division for their non-division games.
#3 I'd Hit It
I'd Hit It is riding high! They are one of the elite undefeated teams and have the opportunity to finish their division schedule that way. They will be playing a playoff hungry Pirates! team. Hungry teams equal winning teams. My advice: If you want to stay undefeated take one game at a time.
#4 Family Jewelz
In earlier power rankings I suggested that the Jewelz wouldn't be really tested until their non-division games. However that was before the Multiple Scoregasms went 3-1, their only loss coming from a blown save from the now benched pitcher, Evil Aldo. On paper the Jewelz look to be an impressive team but as the saying goes; You need to talk the talk and walk the walk.
#5 Multiple Scoregasms
This team is way better than their stats indicate. During the next three weeks they will have a chance to prove they deserve to be #1, not #5. They face a gauntlet of great teams by far the hardest three game schedule this season. They will face the #4 Jewelz, then the #1 Shockers, and to top it off the #2 Balls & Dolls. If they survive this true test of kickball skill, they should be handed the King of Kickball title immediately without having to play the playoffs.
#6 Sons of Pitches
These Pitches seem to have finally gotten their team together. They are peeking at the absolute right time. They have a big game this week against Los Fronchyz. This game is a must win if they want to guarantee a playoff spot. They need to carry last weeks momentum into this game.
#7 Los Totally Awesomes
LTA has been surprisingly hit or miss this season. This team was expected to make the playoffs for sure but now they are in risk of missing the post-season all together. They can still lose their next game and possibly have a chance at making the playoffs but better not to leave anything to chance. They will be up against #2 Balls & Dolls so they have a chance of walking away with a playoff berth and a massive upset victory.
#8 Los Fronchyz
This is another team that is in need of a big win to get into the playoffs. They have tons of potential especially at the pitcher position. However their defense is 2nd worst in the league and may hurt them during their next game. They face the Sons of Pitches, who don't have a devastating offense but enough to end Los Fronchyz playoff hopes. Some might ask; then why are they ranked so high? Well wins in the Mountain Star division just count a little bit more.
#9 1 More Shot
The kickball Gods have smiled upon the players of the 1 More Shots. They are included in the list of teams in need of a win to secure a playoff berth. But lucky for them they have a great chance to get their. Their last division game will be against the win-less Violet Femmes. They've been practicing and increasing their kickball knowledge so they have a great look at this game. A win will guarantee them a playoff run.
#10 Pirates!
All hands abandon ship! Its time to walk the plank! The Pirate's ship has been taking on water all season and is about to sink. Obviously playing with peg legs and eye patches didn't work out as they planned. Not to mention the flock of parrots that infested their dugout. I'm sure the Captain tried as hard as he could but I think its time for the crew to mutiny. Either that or next stop is Davy Jone's Locker. ( Yea! how many was that...8 pirate refrences? you know it!)

#11 Looking to Score

Sadly Looking to Score wont be making the playoffs this season. However there are still games to be played. Hopefully now the pressure is off and they can enjoy the rest of the season. They still have a good chance to pick up some wins before the season is over.

#12 Violet Femmes

This team has greatly improved each week but it was all a little too late to make the playoffs. They may finish the division schedule win-less but don't look for them to finish the entire season win-less. If the Mountain Star teams think that the Violet Femmes be an easy win, they will be surprised when its game time.

Fan Favorites!

According to the readers of the Its Just Kickball blogspot, the following team is predicted to be the King of Kickball for the Fall 09 Season. However only time will tell....

I'd Hit It

Other reader favorites include:


Balls & Dolls

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Week 4 Results

*Great Week 4 everyone! I went 4-2 with my predictions, which isn't too bad. My point spreads were real close though, for most of the games.

Week 4 Results
Sons of Pitches - 9
Los Totally Awesomes - 4
Shockers - 15
Los Fronchyz - 2
1 More Shot - 0
I'd Hit It - 5
Balls & Dolls - 11
Looking to Score - 1
Violet Femmes - 3
Multiple Scoregasms - 9
Family Jewelz - 7
Pirates! - 1

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Game Previews - Week 4

Dont expect these every week but I cant sleep.....

Id' Hit It v.s 1 More Shot
Final Score Prediction
# 3 Id' Hit It - 6
#9 1 More Shot - 1
  • I'd Hit It is on a roll! Don't expect them to stop any time soon.
Multiple Scoregasms v.s Violet Femmes
Final Score Prediction
#5 Multiple Scoregasms -8
#12 Violet Femmes - 4
  • If played right, the Femmes have an opportunity pick up their first win against the Scoregasms. With a roster of mainly females, the Femmes can neutralize the Scoregasms superior pitching by asking for the Gentleman's Pitch. Unlikely but a possibility.

Family Jewels v.s Pirates!

Final Score Prediction

#4 Family Jewels - 2

#8 Pirates! -4

  • The Jewels are coming off a big win and might be over looking the Pirates! The Pirates! have been looking to break out. So look for the Pirates! to plunder the Family Jewels.

*UPSET ALERT* Balls & Dolls v.s Looking to Score *UPSET ALERT*

Final Score Prediction

#2 Balls & Dolls - 2


#11 Looking to Score - 6

  • The inside scoop is the Balls & Dolls will be missing a key element on Wed. Don't know if they can over come this obstacle. Looking to Score is coming together and has a prime opportunity to knock of a kickball powerhouse!

Los Totally Awesomes v.s Sons of Pitches

Final Score Prediction

#6 LTA - 5

#10 Sons of Pitches - 6

  • Unofrtuneatly for LTA they are running into a frustrated and hungry Sons of Pitches. Still winless, these Pitches should really step it up this week. LTA is a good team but they might just fall victim to some intense kickball.

Shockers v.s Los Fronchyz

Final Score Prediction

#1 Shockers - 12


# 7 Los Fronchyz -1

  • Los Fronchyz will have their hands full this week. The Shockers dont overlook any team which is bad news for the Fronchyz. If they were planning to sneak up on the #1 team, I hope they have a Plan B.

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Week 3 Results

*Note-We didn't get all scorecards and their were some discrepancies. However a win is a win. This coming week we will have official league score keepers. We will no longer leave it up to each team. Thanks

Sunrise Division
  • Family Jewels - 7
  • 1 More Shot - 1
  • I'd Hit It - 5
  • Violet Femmes - 0
  • Multiple Scoregasms - 4
  • Pirates! - 2
Mountain Star Division
  • Balls & Dolls - 10
  • Sons of Pitches - 3
  • Shockers - 8
  • Los Totally Awesomes - 1
  • Los Fronchyz - 5
  • Looking To Score - 3

Power Rankings - Week 3

Here are the Power Rankings after Week 3. As we go into Week 4 check out who the teams to beat are. Remember these rankings do not determine who goes to the playoffs. Also I didn't get all the scorecards or there were discrepancies in runs scored from each team. So for the rest of the season we will have an official scorekeeper from the league for each game. Thanks for trying though. There have been major shake ups in the rankings. Here we go.

Power Rankings
#1. Shockers
What can you say. They have gone undefeated. Its as easy as that. They have easily back-handed most of their opponents, except for one. Be assured, this team will be in the Mountain Star Division Championship. And if they can win this game, a King of Kickball Championship is an almost certainty.
#2. Balls & Dolls
If the Shockers are worried about a team, this team should be it. Although the Shockers beat the Balls & Dolls last week it was a very close game decided by only 1 run. Very dangerous! I predict the Balls & Dolls will see the Shockers again in the Mountain Star Division Championship.
#3. Id Hit It
This team is the only other undefeated team, they reside in the Sunrise Division. They have the 4th best offense in the entire league and they are tied 2nd for the best defense. The only reason they aren't ranked higher, is like it or not the Sunrise Division is an easier division.
#4. Family Jewels
The Jewels sport the best offense and best defense in the entire league. They have lost only one game within the Sunrise Division. Looks like this team wont be really tested until they reach the non-division games.
#5. Multiple Scoregasms
They have by far the best bull-pen in the league. They are very deep at the pitcher position which greatly compensates for their lack luster offense. Three skilled pitchers with three different styles. This team has kickers frustrated and pitching fits.
#6. Los Totally Awesomes
The long and hard practice hours are starting to show for this team. They are 3rd in the Mountain Star Division which speaks volumes. They don't have an offense or defense to brag about but results are what matters. Being 3rd in the toughest division says it all.
#7. Los Fronchyz
Making a huge jump in the rankings, this team is finally starting to warm up. Picking up their first win in convincing fashion brings alot of attention. They have the #1 Shockers coming up which will be a true test. Even a loss, as long as they have strong showing, might bring them up in the rankings.
#8. Pirates!
By far the most stylish team in the league. With their pirate flag proudly waving above their dugout, they have grinded out a record of 1-2. Taking into consideration they are a rookie team, there might be something boiling under the surface. Expect them to bust out.
#9. 1 More Shot
Suffering from the worst offense in the league, they still have a 1-2 record. They are only one game back from making the playoffs. Looking at their schedule, they should pick up one more win and getting them a playoff birth.
#10. Sons of Pitches
This team has fallen from grace. After going undefeated during the Summer '09 season, they have failed to capture the same kind of intensity that brought them so many wins. Granted they are in the most experienced division. However if they don't step it up, this team could see themselves missing the playoffs completely.
#11. Looking to Score
They almost missed this party. As the last team to join they are still trying to get the party started. They have yet to win a game but their team chemistry is getting stronger and stronger. Watch for them to crawl out of the cellar.
#12. Violet Femmes
At one point the league's Rule Committee was looking into tweaking the mercy rule after watching this teams first game. Assuming and hoping to prevent future weekly blood baths. However the Committee quickly abandoned their efforts after watching their last two games. Greatly approving each week, it is only a matter of time before they get their first win.Its not a matter of if they get their first win but when.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

From Zero To Hero!

Believe it or not but some people are a little apprehensive about playing adult kickball. They feel they might not have the "athletic ability" to perform well. The truth is anyone can play kickball. And for those of you who are still unsure, the following is an inspirational story that shows anyone can play kickball.

The Little Muffy That Could

Moises is a friend of mine. I recently started playing kickball with a new team and he became my teammate. Hes a funny guy and a great person to be around. He has been lovingly nicknamed Muffy by those who know him best; although I'm not really sure why. Either way that is what he is known by. However as fun as he is off the field, he would admit and others would strongly agree that...he isn't the best kickball player. He spends most games watching the action through the grey-diamond shaped holes of the dugout's chain link fence. Guarding the teams water-bottles and waiting for his turn. I don't know if he was content with this situation but that's how he spent the last two weeks.

Then the past Wed. something changed. He arrived to the field with a brand new haircut and a clean close shave. He even had a sort of swagger in his walk. At first I didn't pay much attention to it, not until we got out on the field. As his teammate, I'm ashamed to admit I was constantly afraid to throw him the ball. However during this Wednesday's game Muffy made catch after clutch catch. I mean clutch! Impressive to say the least. Even his base running was perfect. And while he was running he kept mumbling something to himself. I couldn't figure it out at first.Then he ran right past me while rounding 3rd base and on his way to score. I heard it clear as day. "I think I can...I think I can."

I knew he could... Good Job Muffy

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Awesome Kickball Graphics

Here are some awesome graphics by the famous kickball graphic artist Charlie Monarrez of the Pirates! team, enjoy!

Hear Ye, Hear Ye

As a league, we are always open to all suggestions, comments, concerns, or complaints. The only way we can measure how the league is going is to get feedback. So don't be shy! You can email, call, text, facebook, smoke signals, just lets us know. I also want to invite and encourage all league members to become more involved with the league. We are always in need of volunteers. We need score-table personnel, volunteer umpires, and people to help with other various tasks. This Friday we will be having an umpires meeting and anyone interested in becoming a volunteer umpire is invited to attend this meeting.

Monday, September 14, 2009

Rules to Remember - Week 3

"I can't believe he called that out! That's not the rule". How many times have you thought or said these exact words. In the heat of competition close plays often seem blurry. Emotions are very powerful and sometimes mess with our perception. Don't let your emotions get the better of you. After all, its just kickball. However there are rules that exist that differ from kickball's closest cousins, baseball & softball. Make sure you read those rulebooks and always make sure to keep an eye out for rule changes. So... as we head into Week 3 here are some important kickball rule reminders:

Reminder #1 No Party Crashers

* Rule 7.5 A team playing a non-registered person, an improperly registered person, or a person not registered on that team will forfeit that game.

Reminder #2 Watch it there Twinkle Toes

* Rule 8.3 The pitcher must start the act of pitching within the pitching mound. The pitcher must stay behind the pitching strip until the ball is kicked. No part of the pitcher’s front foot may be in front of or across the front edge of the pitching strip. Pitching must be done by hand. A team’s first infraction will result in a warning to the team that caused the infraction. The second and each subsequent infraction by a team during the game will result in an automatic base for the kicker

Reminder # 3 I need some personal space

* Rule 12.2 (A) A ball will be called if any catcher crosses home plate or is positioned forward the kicker before the ball is kicked.

Check back for more rule reminders.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Power Rankings - Week 2

Week 2 is in the books and teams are starting to get into the swing of things. There are a couple of returning teams that have improved greatly from last season. The rookie teams are also looking more and more comfortable with each game. There is alot of talent out there and everyone seems to be having fun. Just for kicks I have decided to create the Sun City Kickball League Rankings. These rankings do not determine who makes the playoffs but instead is just a novelty item to show who the teams to beat are. How do I determine the rankings? Well I pretty much base it on my nerd-ish kickball enthusiast perceptions. Sad, I know. Basically I use the league record, power stats, strength of schedule and whatever I see on the field. Remember it is all for fun!!

Sun City Kickball League Rankings
#1 Shockers
#2 Balls & Dolls
#3 Los Totally Awesomes
#4 Family Jewelz
#5 Looking to Score
#6 Sons of Pitches
#7 Multiple Scoregasms
#8 I'd Hit It
#9 Pirates!
#10 1 More Shot
#11 Violet Femmes
#12 Los Fronchyz

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Teams Announced for Fall 2009 Season

The time has arrived! SCK is now ready to start the Fall 09 Season. The league will have 12 teams competing for a King of Kickball Championship. The teams have been divided into two different, 6 team divisions.

Mountain Star Division
1.Shockers - Overall Record 4-1-2 - Summer 09 Champions
2. Sons of Pitches - Overall Record 7-0-0 - Offensive Team of Summer 09 {54 points scored}
3. Los Totally Awesomes - Overall Record 3-2-2
4. Balls & Dolls - Overall Record 3-2-2
5. Los Fronchyz - Rookie Season
6. Looking to Score - Rookie Season
Sunrise Division
1. Multiple Scoregasms - Overall Record 0-6-1
2. Family Jewelz - Overall Record 0-6-1
3. Pirates! - Rookie Season
4. 1 More Shot - Rookie Season
5. Violet Femmes - Rookie Season
6. I'd Hit It - Rookie Season

Word on the Street

Written by: Kyle the Kickball Junkie

My name is Kyle and I'm a kickballaholic. Sad but true, I know. But it feels good to get that off my chest. However the worst part is that I can't play kickball. A horrible kickball accident caused me to blow out my knees. The accident left me unable to bend my legs. So I'm forced to live my life like some-sort of kickball Frankenstein. The only way now to quench my insatiable kickball thirst is to watch from the sidelines and report on what I see.

A couple of nights ago, I was down at the field reminiscing about my kickball glory days. While at the field I noticed a team practicing. Upon closer inspection I saw that it was the Balls & Dolls. Looks like they are amping up for the new season. It looked like they were getting down to basics and trying to put in some good solid practice time. However their practice was cut short. How many Balls & Dolls does it take to change a light bulb? Well more than 11, that's for sure. They were unable to figure out how to turn on the field lights and so they disappeared into the night.

Word on the street is another team also just finished an intensive training camp at the ol' Roger Brown Field. The army of Los Totally Awesomes is gearing up for some kickball battles. They have a stacked roster of 18 players. Last season this team was destroyed by the short bunting game of opposing teams. However with a new bunting rule in place hopefully their Achilles heel will be covered. Looks like this team will be coming out of training camp ready to bulldoze thought their opposition.

Word on the street is SCK will have its first all ladies team, well almost. Coached by their only male member, Rick Macias, the Violet Femmes are ready to show that anything you can do, they can do better. Im very excited to see how this team does.

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Dispute! Dispute!

Similar to other sports, kickball is a game of inches. Often amazing kickball plays are too close too call. Kickball umpires are constantly called on to make split-second decisions on very close calls. However they are human, as are the players, and mistakes can sometimes be made. There is nothing that infuriates a coach more than a bad call; and understandably so. In effort to relive tensions on both coaches and umpires, Sun City Kickball has developed the "Dispute Rule". The "Dispute Rule" states:

Captains will be allowed two (2) “disputes” during a regular season game. A game of Paper, Rock, Scissors, best two-out-of-three, will be used to settle the dispute. The umpire will ultimately have discretion on allowing a call to be disputed. Balls, fouls, and strikes cannot be disputed.

Hopefully this will act as a relief valve to ease tensions on missed calls. However this rule is put on hold during the post-season.

For more info. on this rule and other rules go to