Thursday, November 12, 2009

Another Day

The Fall 09 season has barely finished and preparations for the next season are already underway. The next season will start the first week of Feb. Until then, there is much that has to be decided.

The league continues to grow each season. This past season we saw the league double in size. We anticipate close to the same response for this next season. Which means in order to accommodate a new influx of teams we need to make room. The tentative plan is to have games on two different nights. Teams would only play once a week on their scheduled day. The reason we need two different nights is because we can only accommodate 12 teams per night. So we are asking new players, potential players, returning players, and everyone in between for some input. Given the choice, besides Wed. nights, what night would you prefer to play your games. We set up a poll along the right side of the page for everyone to vote. Also feel free to include comments and/or suggestions on this post. This is a very important decision so your input is greatly appreciated.