Players often ask me why some teams get more pub on the blog than others. There are two reasons: 1) I don't always have enough time 2) I go where the story is. I know it might not seem like it at times but these postings take time to write. I need inspiration, an angle, something to go off of. The biggest stories have been the Violet Femme turn-around, the demise of the Shockers, the up and coming KNDB, and other various topics. However there is one team that I've been meaning to bring on the big stage for awhile now. They have been flying under the radar for weeks but NO MORE! Its time to introduce this team to the hardcore kickball junkies of the Its Just Kickball blog pages.
Junkies, meet Vicious & Delicious.
Without a doubt they should be selected as the Rookie Team of the Spring Season! They have my absolute unwavering support. Now wait, before I get the "what about KNDB?!?!?", they aren't a TRUE rookie team. A majority of the Kick N Da Balls squad has more than a couple of seasons in kickball experience. For example, Coach Tiger Pride has been in the game for awhile, not to mention they have 2 or 3 Thursday night titans on the team as well.
Now Vicious & Delicious on the other hand is a true rookie team. The last time they played kickball was probably in the early 80's. = ) Seriously though, most rookie teams struggle during their first kickball season. However VD has caught up quickly with the more experienced teams. They are sporting a very respectable 4-2 record. In addition, so far they have scored the 2nd most runs in the entire league with a total of 40. Their defense is a little suspect but I believe they usually play 8 strong each week, which means they are going to have holes. There's just no way around that with only 8 players. However they are looking good, playing sharp, and should go far in the tourney.
Wednesday night will be a big test for this rookie team. They will be playing the often absent Where's My Pitches At? (Whhhaaaaa!) WMPA are by far the more experienced team. They will be showing Vicious and Delicious some different looks they don't normally see down at Modesto 1. Should be very interesting to see how the VD reacts to a different style of play.
We are about to see what this rookie team can do.... Good Luck!
Junkies, meet Vicious & Delicious.
Without a doubt they should be selected as the Rookie Team of the Spring Season! They have my absolute unwavering support. Now wait, before I get the "what about KNDB?!?!?", they aren't a TRUE rookie team. A majority of the Kick N Da Balls squad has more than a couple of seasons in kickball experience. For example, Coach Tiger Pride has been in the game for awhile, not to mention they have 2 or 3 Thursday night titans on the team as well.
Now Vicious & Delicious on the other hand is a true rookie team. The last time they played kickball was probably in the early 80's. = ) Seriously though, most rookie teams struggle during their first kickball season. However VD has caught up quickly with the more experienced teams. They are sporting a very respectable 4-2 record. In addition, so far they have scored the 2nd most runs in the entire league with a total of 40. Their defense is a little suspect but I believe they usually play 8 strong each week, which means they are going to have holes. There's just no way around that with only 8 players. However they are looking good, playing sharp, and should go far in the tourney.
Wednesday night will be a big test for this rookie team. They will be playing the often absent Where's My Pitches At? (Whhhaaaaa!) WMPA are by far the more experienced team. They will be showing Vicious and Delicious some different looks they don't normally see down at Modesto 1. Should be very interesting to see how the VD reacts to a different style of play.
We are about to see what this rookie team can do.... Good Luck!
only 2 players maybe but the majority of the team are 1st time players. look at the other teams. i'm pretty sure there is atleast one player who isn't a rookie. More likely the coaches. don't make it complicating.
They are a good team. Very underrated. They gave us a run for our money, but somehow we pulled it out.
plus they've got some cute girls! ;)
oooooh yeah sexy boy agrees, they got some fine girls... sexy boy likes mucho
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