Now that being said, its time to to break down each division and makes some predictions. First up is Group A, which I feel will be the most interesting division this season. They are headed by pre-season #1 Confused Kixx and the predicted favorite to win the Summer 2010 King of Kickball Title. I often get confused stares and questions marks on why Confused Kixx, and not last season champs the Drunken Monkeyz, are being picked to win it all this season. Well it's simple really, they are the best team.
Confused Kixx is a hybrid of two teams that originated from the Thursday night league. On Thursdays they are known as Dazed & Confused and the other group is "something" kixx. Dazed & Confused are back-to-back champs and are on their way to their 3rd championship as we speak. While Kixx is a hard core, competitive, skilled team that plays to win and they do lots of it. During the off-season, these two teams made the brilliant move of combining forces and assembled an all-star cast of players to participate in a out of state, national kickball tourney. They ended up claiming 4th place among tons of other highly skilled teams. Not only do they have big time experience, but they also practice religiously. They scrimmage multiple times a week, not including league play in two different leagues on two different nights. These cats don't mess around and with that kind of resume how can you honestly expect them not to win it all. Truth be told, if they are unable to win this season King of Kickball title, it would be an epic failure. Truly. Its not about putting "targets on anybody's back", it's the truth and no one can say otherwise. They are the best team.....for now.
to be continued....
this is interesting. so i have noticed that this team has alot of good players but I've also noticed that they have 2 really good pitchers or so james thinks they're both better than rich so will this cause drama within the team? so who's the better pitcher? the guy from kndb or the guy from scared hitless hehe
Ah very nice question! In my humble opinion I would have to give the edge to MY #1 Fan Rick. Dont het me wrong Mr Urine aka PIPI, starts of strong but he tends to fade in the later innings.
I would say neither. Chucky looks to be the new rising pitching star.
damn looks like rich really don't like us huh. ur answer was totally irrelevant to that question rich but its all good we'll find out week 6 who's pitcher is better and just cuz u throw a nice curve or fast ball doesn't make u a good pitcher u gotta be able make throws to first second or third and be smart as well hope u based it on that rich.
oh and u gotta be able to stay consistent through out the game not just a couple of innings
Whoa, whoa…slow down there Rick. None of this has anything to do with how much I like a team or if I dislike a team. It's all just commentary, my opinion.
However we need to remember one thing. Sun City Kickball was created to get away from Thursday night drama, fights, and the dreaded Kickball Nazi. We are trying to create an atmosphere that is more inviting and inclusive of all kickball players. A majority of the SCK teams are all friendly with each other. They all hang out, party up. Of course they like to compete, but at the end of the day we are all SCK, we are family. Any team that wants to be a part of what we are trying doing here is more than welcome to join in. I will be the first to welcome them with open arms. I want everyone to be proud of this league.
However I ‘am very nervous about teams wanting to join SCK merely to prove a point. All that does is create problems and animosity. If that is the case with any team, it does worry me. I left Thursday night to get away from those problems. I don’t want what happened over there to migrate over to this league. We have been growing and becoming closer friends with every season. Now IF there are teams coming over to SCK just to prove a point, well…there is nothing I can do about it. I’m not like the Kickball Nazi. I won’t ban people for no reason, umpire their games to give the other team an advantage, or any other type of arbitrary decisions. That’s not us. I would hope teams are coming over here to be a part of SCK, not sabotage what we are trying to create.
Either way, whatever I write about a team is not because I “hate” them. It’s all about creating excitement. I told Coach Vince it’s like the old WWF, creating story lines. However I have to be honest and say I’ am a SCK loyalist. I do cheer and encourage the teams that I know have SCK in their heart. It doesn’t mean I would ever try to get them an advantage. All it means is I’m happy for them when they win and I share in their sadness when they lose.
Happy Kicking
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