Wednesday, October 23, 2013


Written by: The Kickball Guru - David Garcia

What makes today special? Today will mark two different milestones in Sun City Kickball. Great Achievement for such a young league that has become what many will say, the best league in town. What are those milestones? First off, we have our first ever WRECK division championship. Sun City Kickball has grown so much that it needs two different divisions and two different champions! And the second milestone that SCK has reached is its 10th season! I cant believe how time has flown by. So being the 10th season will the league provide a much bigger trophy? KNS and Smoking Aces can only hope so.

So will be the first ever WRECK champ? Well it comes down to heavy favorites Pitch, Please and cinderella team toe jammers. This match up is so intriguing because the #7 toe jammers have had to go through the inferno and gauntlet just to get here eliminating the #2 and #3 seeds. Do they have the energy to get by one more giant? With no regular season meeting, there is nothing much to base off of except for the fact that the toe jammers and pitch, please have really turned it up this post season. Expect to see a high scoring game going either way!

Now, who will be crowned the 10th season king of kickball? Will it be the comeback kids in Smoking Aces, who overcame a 4-0 deficit to beat heavy favorite I'd Hit It 6-4 in extra innings? Or will it be the always dominant and scary KNS? So many factors to consider. With Smoking Aces (even though Rich won't come out and bluntly say it because he refers to it as "personnel issues"), ever since they got rid of short tempered Mike, they have gone undefeated even running over KNS late in the season to secure the #3 seed. (That has got to be lingering in KNS' mind). The team dynamic has changed in such a positive way that now they are all having fun and clicking together which makes them so much better. With that being said, you can't ever count KNS out of any game. Track record and common sense will tell you that. The only problem that KNS has ran into this season is not getting all their people out there and a lot of mental mistakes on both offense and defense this season. Bad base running, no one attacking the balls etc... They have yet to allow a run in the post season, but if they play the aces the way they did last time, they are in for a long night. On a side note, these 2 teams combine for 8 of the 9 SCK championships with the shockers and monkeyz combining with 3 and KNS having 5. Will Erica Tuialuuluu pull a Ray Lewis and end her career with a championship or will KNS shatter that dream? You don't want to miss this one. Expect a 5-4 score going either way.

So who will our 2 champions be? 7 innings stands in the way of our 1st ever WRECK champion. 7 innings stand in the way of 10th season king of kickball. Be there at alta vista starting at 7pm!