Monday, August 19, 2013

LSK Week 4 - Clobberin' Thunder!

Lights go out during Lone Star Kickball Week #4
Written by: Rich Alvarez

With streaks of lightning in the sky and rumbles of thunder in the distance, many a kickballer was worried how Mother Nature was going to toy with their night of kickball fun. Unfortunately Mother Nature was in a fickle mood and decided to end the night early. A nearby lightning strike would officially end the nights' games a bit early.

Which was lucky for the Billy Bad Asses, considering the Smoking Aces were giving them all they could handle plus more during their 8pm match-up. The Smoking Aces are slowly turning their previously questionable offense into a small resemblance of a consistent offense. Although the game was still in the very early stages, the Aces looked comfortable, confident, and in control. While the Bad Asses looked a tad bit frustrated, but did not look completely defeated. The Bad Asses do have a potentially explosive offense, they just didn't seem to be in sync this evening. Fortunately they'll get a re-boot and a second chance at the Aces, as this match-up will get rescheduled at a later date and time.

The only teams that didn't get bogged down by the weather were the Animals and Where's My Pitches At?. The Animals were coming off a 3-5 loss against powerhouse Screamin' Kixxx during Week 3, while WMPA was coming off a small 3-1 victory against talented rookies 915 Changos. By all accounts the up-and-coming Animals should have handily or at least convincingly beat the Pitches, but WMPA had something different in mind. The Pitches were able to take advantage of the Animal's miscues and more importantly, they made some plays and keep grinding to take the lead mid-game. However the Animal's testicular fortitude was strong enough to battle back and at least allow them to walk away with a sister-kissing tie. So much for clobberin' time...

The Animals were looking to be the team to compete against Screamin' Kixxx for the Lone Star Kickball inaugural season championship, but are we starting to see the early signs of weak play. Not to mention, the unfortunate exit of their starting pitcher Daniel "Chucky Bear" Acuna and key player Omar Anguiano. Both players will be missing they rest of the season. The Animals will need to tighten up their play if they plan to keep the Smoking Aces and WMPA from taking their championship hopes.

Short report this week on account of the weather, so until next time...

Good Luck and Happy Kicking!


???RIDLA??? said...
