Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Nervous Rain

For the second straight week now, the weather has been making kickball life impossible. My theory is someone has really been pissing off the kickball Gods and it needs to stop. We may need to do a traditional kickball sacrifice to get the Gods back on our side. In any case, please know that we will be monitoring the weather throughout the day and we won't make a decision on canceling the games until we get closer to game time. We should know by 5pm whether or not the games will be played. We need to make sure the fields are safe and playable.

After the rain outs last week, there were many kickball grumpies upset that we didn't play in the rain. Some players wanted to play in the rain for the experience; while other kickball addicts just didn't want to go into withdrawal. However the fields were literally like swimming pools and unsafe. Remember safety is very important. We want all kickballers to have a fun and SAFE experience when the come out on Wednesday nights. I think someone on Facebook said it the best, "Big kids like to sue". Believe me when I say the league doesn't like to cancel games for any reason but when there is a safety issue...well its unavoidable.

The rain is supposed to start coming down conveniently at game time. Hopefully it gets delayed just long enough so we can get through all the games. Now if it isn't raining when we start at 7pm but lets say it starts raining around 8pm, we may have to postpone some of the games that haven't been played. We are going to try to get through as many games as possible. So keep your fingers crossed and lets hope for the best.


nadia13 said...

I am so upset at the freakin' weather. I usually LOVE rain, but dammit - not on Wednesday nights!!!