The slated match between the Hash House Harriers, aka Drinkers with a Running Problem, and the baby faced Kick N Da Balls was a game that should have warranted some attention but totally missed my kickball radar. Its was the classic battle of youth versus age. The young band of merry kickballers from Kick N Da Balls was looking to make a statement with their first game of the season. Both teams were making their kickball debut in SCK.
Apparently they extended the early bird special at Luby's because the Harriers were dangerously short on personnel come game time. Maybe they forgot what time the game was at because they are going through the early stages of Alzheimer's. Regardless of the reason their ranks were razor thin and had to play with the minimum 8 players. The defense deserves all the credit for keeping the score close. They limited the Kick N Da Balls to only 3 runs and considering they were short on players, this is a positive element to build off of. However their offense never showed up and you need both to win. As a rookie team, they tried to take it step by step and were hangin' tough throughout most of the game, but these new kids of the block had all the right stuff.
Im sure the Kick N Da Balls are revealing in their first win of the season. They came in confident are ready to earn a big win. When the game was finally over, the kickball kiddos watched as SCK field maintenance had to clear the diamond of all the mangled walkers and broken in half canes. Each player had a grin from ear to ear as they celebrated.
This team of merry kids are ready to play!
nice skerts
Aw we have baby faces. We look good and dont have to worry about wrinkles, grey hairs or going bald!. we r ready!!!
were gonna tear it up and beat teams no one thinks we can keep up with just watch! im callin it, playoffs here we come ;) tall guy in the back
LOL Good job kids! Oh and they're not skirts: They're called KILTS! You'll learn about it once you hit World History in High School. Oh don't you worry, you'll be balding, wrinkling and hurting sooner than you think!
We have a plastic surgeon on our team so feel free to ask him! Yeah, we all went to school too! Good luck and continued wins!!!
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