Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Rule Were Meant to be Broken

Well some rules are meant to be broken, but not ALL rules. Especially not the rules found etched onto the sacred pages of the SCK Rule Book. Before the beginning of each new season, the Holy Book of Kickball is brought out from its secure, top secret location; a deep cavernous bunker dug into the side of the Franklin Mountains. To retrieve the sacred text from the mysterious "Keeper of the Book" is a treacherous journey. Many kickballers are sent, but very few return. However this scarfice must be made to ensure that each season the book is updated with the latest and greatest rules. The following updated rules are now gospel!

1.6 (F). All runners over-running 1st base should remain in foul territory at all times until they return to 1st base. If a runner over-runs 1st base and ventures into fair territory, the runner will be deemed in-play and subjected to being tagged out.

5.3 (A) The kicking lineup does not have to be a specific sex order. All defensive players/fielders must be on the kicking line-up.

7.9 If a team does not have enough registered players to field a team they will be allowed to pick up other registered league players to field a team. Teams will only be allowed to pick up enough females to get you to the minimum three. Teams will only be allowed to pick up enough players to get you to 8 players after the 3 female minimum is met. In addition, a team must have a minimum of 6 players in order to enact the “Pick Up” rule. (Pick-Up Rule not available during the Post-Season)

9.2 All kicks must occur:   

A. at or behind home plate. The kicker may step on home plate to kick, however no part of the planted or kicking foot may be in front of or cross the front edge of the home plate. The infraction will result in a foul ball for the kicker. However the kicked ball will be eligible to be caught by the defense.

9.3 Bunting is allowed

A. On a bunt, the ball must pass the 15 ft. Bunt line to be considered in play. A ball stopped before passing the buntline will result in a double foul for the kicker.

10.10 Runners may not advance once the ball is returned to the pitcher. The pitcher must have the ball and be within the designated pitching mound to stop the advancement of the base runners or the play is deemed dead by the umpire.  A runner who is more than half way to the base they are advancing to, before the play is dead, will be awarded that base.

10.11 A runner who fails to touch a base while advancing or improperly tags-up on a fly ball will be indicated by the throwing of a red bean bag in the vicinity of the base in question by a field judge or umpire. If the defense tags the runner or base, prior to the runner’s return, will result in an out. If the defense fails to acknowledge the infraction by the next pitch, the bean bag will be picked up and play will resume without infraction. This call is not subject to being challenged.

14.2 An out is:

B. any kicked ball (fair or foul) that is caught by a fielder; a catch is defined as possession of the ball for an instance or more

So it is written, so it shall be done...


Shocker GM said...

I like...


i like it too.....

Old shocker said...

I dont

New Shocker said...

i dont really care.. when you play the game you dont really notice the rules and all that stuff.. you just get lost in playing the game you know


How come the president doesnt have to follow the rules?? Rule 2.1 states Players must wear an "official/approved" SCK uniform or uniform deemed appropriate by the umpire. Last time I checked the unis worn by the FaQs are not official?? Does he get a free pass because he's the Prez. The old one would have never tried a stunt like that. I miss that guy!!

Anonymous said...

ECK, who said there was a new president?

Mr 187 said...

I meant the wanna be Prez...

Fact Checker said...

Yes! For someone who is concerned with SCK, you sure dont get your facts straight!!!

Mr 187 said...

Your missing the point Dbag! Board members should know better.